Solid State Physics View of Liquid State Chemistry Ⅲ. Electrical Conductance of Pure and Impure Water

Binbin Jie1, and Chihtang Sah1, 2

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 Corresponding author: Jie Binbin, Email:; Sah Chihtang, Email:


Abstract: The ‘abnormally’ high electrical conductivity of pure water was recently studied by us using our protonic bond, trap and energy band model, with five host particles:the positive and negative protons, and the amphoteric protonic trap in three charge states, positive, neutral and negative.Our second report described the electrical charge storage capacitance of pure and impure water.This third report presents the theory of particle density and electrical conductance of pure and impure water, including the impuritons, which consist of an impurity ion bonded to a proton, proton-hole or proton trap and which significantly affect impure waters' properties.

Key words: solid state and soft matter physicsliquid state chemistrypure and impure waterpositive proton, negative proton-hole or protole, and amphoteric proton trapsimpuritons, affinitons, atomic or oxygen phonons, hydrogen or protonic phonons, and molecular phonons

Jie Binbin and Sah Chihtang, "Solid State Physics View of Liquid State Chemistry-Electrical Conduction in Pure Water, " Journal of Semiconductors 34(12) 121001-8, December 2013. (Xiamen University, China. )
Jie Binbin and Sah Chihtang, "Solid State Physics View of Liquid State Chemistry-Ⅱ. Electrical Capacitance of Pure and Impure Water, " Journal of Semiconductors 35(2) 021001-19, February 2014. (Xiamen University, China. )
Sah Chihtang and Jie Binbin, "Semiconductor Physics View of Liquid State Chemistry, " Invited Paper at the Special Session, the Sah Pen-Tung 111th Anniversary Symposium, of the 2013 National Fall-Meeting of the Chinese Physical Society, September 13-15, 2013, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China. Future presentations to give prompt report of progress and to get feedbacks were tentatively accepted by us, as invited keynotes at two international conferences: IEEE-ISNE at Tao-Yuan, Taiwan on 20140507 and WCM2014 in Washington DC on 20140616. Additional presentations may be scheduled during these periods.
Linus Pauling, "The structure and entropy of ice and other crystals with some randomness of atomic arrangement, " J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 57(12), 2680-2684, December 1935. Received September 24, 1935. (Gates Chemical Laboratory, Caltech, Pasadena. ) doi: 10.1021/ja01315a102
J. D. Bernal and R. H. Fowler, "A theory of water and ionic solution, with particular reference to hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, " J. Chem. Phys. 1(8), 515-548, August, 1933. Received April 29, 1933. (University of Cambridge, England. )
W. F. Giauque and H. L. Johnston, "Symmetrical and Antisymmetrical Hydrogen and the Third Law of Thermodynamics. Thermal Equilibrium and the Triple Point Pressure, " J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 50, 3221-3228, 1928; J. O. Clayton and W. F. Giauque, "The Heat Capacity and Entropy of Carbon Monoxide. Heat of Vaporation. Vapor Pressures of Solid and Liquid. Free Energy To 5000oK. From Spectroscopic Data, " J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 54, 2610-2626, 1932; W. W. Blue and W. F. Giauque, "The Heat Capacity and Vapor Pressure of Solid and Liquid Nitrous Oxide. The Entropy from its Band Spectrum, " J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 57, 991-997, 1935. (All at University of California at Berkeley). All here were quoted by Pauling in [4].
John C. Slater, Introduction to Chemical Physics, McGraw-Hill Book company, 1939; Dover edition, 1970. 521pp. See also his later Quantum Theory of Matter books on atoms, molecules and solids, which we cited in our first and second report[1,2].
William Shockley, Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors, D. Van-Nostrand Co, Inc. Original Edition 1950, 9th printing 1966, reprinted 1976 by Krieger Publishing Co. , Inc. Florida, USA. 561pp.
John M. Ziman, Models of Disorder-The theoretical physics of homogenously disordered system, Cambridge University Press, 1979. 525pp.
Tak H. Ning and Chih-Tang Sah, "Multivalley effective-mass approximation for donor states in silicon. I. Shallow-level group-V impurities, " Physical Review B, v4, 3468-3481, 15 November 1971; and "Multivalley effective-mass approximation for donor states in silicon. Ⅱ. Deep-level group-VI double-donor impurities, " Physical Review B, v4, 3482-3488, 15 November 1971.
Sokrates T. Pantelides and Chih-Tang Sah, "Theory of localized states in semiconductors. I. New results using an old method, " Physical Review B. v10, 621-637, 15 July 1974; and "Theory of localized states in semiconductors. Ⅱ. The pseudo impurity theory application to shallow and deep donors in silicon, " Physical Review B, v10, 638-658, 15 July 1974.
Chih-Tang Sah and William Shockley, "Electron-hole recombination statistics in semiconductors through flaws with many charge conditions, " Physical Review, v109, 1103-1115, 15 February 1958. doi: 10.1103/PhysRev.109.1103
Chih-Tang Sah, "The equivalent circuit model in solid-state electronics, I. The single level defect centers, " Proc. IEEE, v55, 654-672, May 1967. "The equivalent circuit model in solid-state electronics, Ⅱ. The multiple level impurity centers, "Proc. IEEE, v55, 673-685, May 1967. "The equivalent circuit model in solid-state electronics, Ⅲ. Conduction and displacement currents, " SolidState Electronics, v13, 1547-1575, December 1970. "Equivalent circuit models in semiconductor transport for thermal, optical, Auger-impact and tunneling recombination-generation-trapping processes, " Physica Status Solidi, (a)v7, 541-559, 16 October 1971.
Jie Binbin and Sah Chihtang, "MOS Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics from Electron-Trapping at Dopant Donor Impurity, " Journal of Semiconductors, 32(4), 041001-1-9, April 2011. "MOS Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics: Ⅱ. Sensitivity of Electronic Trapping at Dopant Impurity from Parameter Variations, " Journal of Semiconductors, 32(12), 121001-1-11, December 2011. "MOS Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics: Ⅲ. Trapping Capacitance from 2-Charge-State Impurities, " Journal of Semiconductors, 32(12), 121002-1-16, December 2011. "MOS Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics: IV. Trapping Capacitance from 3-Charge-State Impurities, " Journal of Semiconductors, 33(1), 011001-1-19, January 2012. "MOS Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics: V. Methods to Enhance the Trapping Capacitance" Journal of Semiconductors, 33(2), 011001-1-19, February 2012.
William L. Marshall and E. U. Franck, "Ion Product of Water Substance, 0-1000C, 1-10000 bars-New International Formulation and Its Background, " J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 295-304, 1981.
A1(a).  From slide 27 of Ref. [3]. The upper two rows gives the abbreviated figure representation of electrically neutral water molecules located on the lattice points of the structure of the extended bulk water (Cubic Ice and Water), with two physical spaces, the lattice space containing transition pathways joining two proton trap sites, and the interstitial space, shown as square spaces of edge $a_{\rm O-O }=\ \sim $3 A, but actually hexagonal tunnels in both the 3-D cubic ice and water and also the larger hexagonal tunnels in 3-D hexagonal ice and water. The two identical lower outside figures (enlarged 400%), each contains one water molecule, to show the detailed contents: (ⅰ) the positively charged oxygen core, O$^{6+}$, with only the two 1s electrons and not the two 2s and four 4p or six valence electrons (ⅱ) eight valence electrons (brown color filled circles, from the six valence electrons of the oxygen and two valence electrons, each from one of the two hydrogen atoms) and (ⅲ) four proton vacancies or four proton traps as four mid-size red circles; two are filled in blue: occupied by two protons in the four adjacent tetrahedral locations. The two proton traps or vacancies on each of the four tetrahedrally located oxygen-oxygen bonds are represented by $\mbox{O﹕}○\;\;○:\mbox{O}$. They are shown in the upper two rows and the lower mid figure (100%) as, $\mbox{O}$: ● ○﹕ $\mbox{O}$, approximately scaled with the experimental interatomic distances of $d_{\rm O-H}$ $=$ 1 A (1.001 A) and $d_{\rm O-O}$ $=$ 3 A (2.760 A), but the two small circles ●○, are not as distinct from the two larger outer circle in this $\underline {\text{our-first-iteration}}$ trial, therefore, they have been replaced as squares in all subsequent figures as $\mbox{O}$:$\square\square$:$\mbox{O}$ to meet our at one glance (A1G) criteria. In order to simplify the theoretical analysis of water A1G, the chemical letter formula of this immobile and electrically neutral water molecule is abbreviated by (H$_{2}$O)$^{0}\equiv $ V$^{0\pm }$ where the exponent 0$\pm $ indicates electrical dipole from distributed positive and negative charge densities, with net zero charge when viewed at a distance.

A1(b).  From slide 28 of Ref. [3]. The upper two rows are the same as those in the previous figure, Fig. A1(a). The lower two outside figures (enlarged 400%), each contains one water molecule, to show the detailed contents: (ⅰ) the positively charged oxygen core, O$^{6+}$, with only the two 1s electrons and not the two 2s and four 4p or six valence electrons (ⅱ) eight valence electrons (brown color filled circles, six valence electrons from the oxygen and two valence electrons from the two hydrogen atoms) and (ⅲ) four proton vacancies or four proton traps (four mid-size red circles), and on the left, three filled, occupied by three protons, while on the right, only one filled, occupied by one proton. In order to make the theoretical analysis of water tractable A1G, the chemical symbols, of this immobile and electrically neutral water molecule before trapping one more proton, is abbreviated by (H$_{2}$O)$^{0\pm }$ as explained in the previous figure, Fig. 1(a). After a proton is trapped, shown by the lower left picture, its chemical symbol is abbreviated by (H$_{3}$O)$^{1+}$$\equiv $V$^{1+}$, from the binding of p$^{+}$ to (H$_{2}$O)$^{0}$ or V$^{0}$ expressed by the equation (H$_{2}$O)$^{0 }$ $+$ p$^{+} \equiv $ V$^{0}$ $+$ p$^{+} \leftrightarrow $ (H$_{3}$O)$^{1+}\equiv $ V$^{1+}$; and as a molecular ion, it will not diffusion or drift much due to the heavy oxygen mass, but more so from not breaking the three hydrogen bonds and one oxygen lone pair bond to the four adjacent oxygen of the four water molecules, H$_{2}$O, such that the transport-transition process, from one of the three p$^{+}$ to break loose from (H$_{3}$O)$^{1+}$$\equiv $V$^{1+}$, jump over to a neighbor (H$_{2}$O)$^{0}$$\equiv $V$^{0}$ and be trapped by it to convert it to (H$_{3}$O)$^{1+}$, is preferred. During the transit between detrap and trap, the proton is also scattered by the vibrating O and H$_{2}$O, giving the phonon-scattering limited proton mobility. This transport of a proton, or positive quasi-proton, in water, is trapping limited drift-diffusion, and given the symbol p$^{+}$, to distinguish it from the ionized not-trapped hydrogen atom, represented by H$^{+}$. This local microscopic description, commonly used by molecular orbital theory, must be randomized to the whole water volume while considering statistical distribution at thermodynamic equilibrium.

A2.  from our 1991-1996 3-volume textbook, $\mathit{\boldsymbol{Fundamentals of Solid-State Electronics, Solution Manual}}$, Appendix $\textbf{TRANSISTOR RELIABILITY}$, Section 930 ACCEPTOR HYDROGENATION, Fig. 931.3 on page 146. Published by World Scientific, 1996. This figure shows a sketched electron density contour (enclosing, say 50% or $X$%, of electrical charge) employed by the conventional chemical bond model diagram of the molecular orbital theory. The contour is omitted in our chemical bond figures given in this report and in all the slides of our first presentation[3], in order to ease the observations of the electron-pair bonds, which are further omitted in order to show the trapping transport pathways of the protons.

A3.  From slide 12 of Ref. [3], captioned by BJ. The first encounter of water physics was by the senior author (TS) 55 years ago when semiconductor technology development began. Recently, TS described to BJ his first contact to semiconductor chemistry during the selection of this figure for our first public report of our studies on water-physics[3]. The full citation of this book is as follows: Norman Bruce Hannay (editor, Bell Telephone Laboratories), $\mathit{\boldsymbol{Semiconductors}}$, American Chemical Society (ACS) Monograph Series No. 140, Reinhold Publishing Company, New York, Chapman & Hall, Ltd, London, 767pp, 1959. This figure appeared on page 196 of Chapter 5, ${\bf{Defect\;Interactions\;in\; Semiconductors}}$, by Calvin Souther Fuller (Bell Telephone Laboratories). In 1959, TS was a senior member of technical staff at the Shockley Transistor Corporation. On a Monday morning review meeting, when this book was released by the publisher, William Shockley walked into his Monday morning staff meeting on the status of previous assignments and on new assignments, and he exclaimed in the hallway with this book in his hand, about the importance of this figure and similarity between water and the semiconductors such as silicon and germanium. Nine years earlier, in 1950, as the Director of Solid-State Electronics of the American Telephone and Telegraph Bell Telephone Laboratories, William Shockley published his monograph, ${\bf {Electrons \;and\; Holes\; in \;Semiconductors \;with \;Applications\; to \;Transistors \;Electronic}}$, and established the fundamentals of semiconductor physics by the quantum mechanics theory and also reduced the theory to the practical applications, semiconductor transistors. This Hannay's edited ACS monograph series No. 140 was written by Chemists to educate their professional colleges, chemists, about the new research area, semiconductors. The aqueous solutions were very familiar to chemists in 1959, and thus this similarity was discovered to facilitate chemists' study of semiconductor physics. Our study of water physics at Xiamen University, 55 years later, in 2014 is to try to find the well-developed semiconductor physics to explain this similarity between semiconductor and water so that chemists can make use of semiconductor physics in the applications of chemistry.

Fig. 1.  Properties of the five host particles, p$^+$, p$^−$, V$^+$, V$^0$ and V$^−$, in pure water. Parts (a) and (b) Volume or bulk concentrations and concentration ratios as a function of temperature. Parts (c) and (d) excess surface channel concentration as a function of surface potential, and parts (e) and (f) as a function of applied gate voltage at five temperatures, $T(℃) = 0$, 25, 50, 70 and 100. The input parameters are the experimental protonic density of states $V^{\rm T}=P_+=P_− =5.3796\times10^{18}$ cm$^{−3}$ and protonic-pairs' generation-recombination energy or the protonic energy gap $E_{\rm p+p−}(\text{meV}) = 643.02[1\,−\,(72.78/T^{\circ}{\rm K})+(12277/T^2)]$, the proton/proton-hole intrinsic concentration $p_{\rm i}$ (cm$^{−3}$), two trapping energies (meV), and the static dielectric constant of water, $\varepsilon_{\text{H}_2\text{O}}$/$\varepsilon_0$. At the five calculated temperatures, they are given by: $0\ ℃ = (578.3,2.487\times10^{13},128,128,87.90)$; $25\ ℃ = (575.7,7.333\times10^{13},88,88,78.36)$; $50\ ℃ = (574.6,1.7784\times10^{14},88,88,69.88)$; $70\ ℃ = (574.5,3.251\times10^{14},55,117,63.77)$; $100\ ℃ = (575.1,6.867\times10^{14},55,117,55.53)$.

Fig. 2.  Properties of the five host particles, p$^+$, p$^−$, V$^+$, V$^0$ and V$^−$, in pure water. Parts (a) and (b) Volume or bulk concentrations and concentration ratios as a function of temperature. Parts (c) and (d) excess surface channel concentration as a function of surface potential, and parts (e) and (f) as a function of applied gate voltage at five temperatures, $T(℃) = 0$, 25, 50, 70 and 100. The input parameters are the experimental protonic density of states $V^{\rm T}=N_{\text{H}_2\text{O}}=3.33429\times10^{22}$ cm$^{−3}$ and protonic-pairs' generation-recombination energy or the protonic energy gap $E_{\rm p+p−}$(meV) $= 643.02[1\,−\,(72.78/T^{\circ}{\rm K})+(12277/T^2)]$, the proton/proton-hole intrinsic concentration $p_{\rm i}$ (cm$^{−3)}$, two trapping energies (meV), and the static dielectric constant of water, $\varepsilon_{\text{H}_2\text{O}}$/$\varepsilon_0$. At the five calculated temperatures, they are given: $0\ ℃ = (578.3,2.487\times10^{13},128,128,87.90)$; $25\ ℃ = (575.7,7.333\times10^{13},88,88,78.36)$; $50 \ ℃ = (574.6,1.7784\times10^{14},88,88,69.88)$; $70\ ℃ = (574.5,3.251\times10^{14},55,117,63.77)$; $100\ ℃ = (575.1,6.867\times10^{14},55,117,55.53)$.

Fig. 3.  Properties of the five host particles, p$^+$, p$^−$, V$^+$, V$^0$ and V$^−$, and one acid impurity ion, $A^{1−} =N_{\rm HA}$, in impure acidic water. Parts (a) and (b) Volume or bulk concentrations, at two trap concentrations and 25 ℃, and at one trap concentration and two temperatures 25 ℃ and 70 ℃. Parts (c) and (d) excess surface channel concentration as a function of surface potential, and parts (e) and (f) as a function of applied gate voltage at 25 ℃ and a range of impurity concentrations, $N_{\rm HA}/N_{\text{H}_2\text{O}} = 10^{−5} \text{ to } 10^{−1}$. The input parameters are the water density $N_{\text{H}_2\text{O}}=3.3429\times10^{22}$ cm$^{−3}$, and the experimental protonic density of states $V^{\rm T}=P_+=P_− =5.3796\times10^{18}$ cm$^{−3}$ and protonic-pairs' generation-recombination energy or the protonic energy gap $E_{\rm p+p−}$(meV) $=$ $643.02[1\,−\,(72.78/T^{\circ}{\rm K})+(12277/T^2)]$, the proton/proton-hole intrinsic concentration $p_{\rm i}$ (cm$^{−3}$), two trapping energies (meV), and the static dielectric constant of water, $\varepsilon_{\text{H}_2\text{O}}$/$\varepsilon_0$. At the two calculated temperatures, they are given by: $25 \ ℃ = (575.7,7.333\times10^{13},88,88,78.36)$; $70\ ℃ = (574.5,3.251\times10^{14},55,117,63.77)$.

Jie Binbin and Sah Chihtang, "Solid State Physics View of Liquid State Chemistry-Electrical Conduction in Pure Water, " Journal of Semiconductors 34(12) 121001-8, December 2013. (Xiamen University, China. )
Jie Binbin and Sah Chihtang, "Solid State Physics View of Liquid State Chemistry-Ⅱ. Electrical Capacitance of Pure and Impure Water, " Journal of Semiconductors 35(2) 021001-19, February 2014. (Xiamen University, China. )
Sah Chihtang and Jie Binbin, "Semiconductor Physics View of Liquid State Chemistry, " Invited Paper at the Special Session, the Sah Pen-Tung 111th Anniversary Symposium, of the 2013 National Fall-Meeting of the Chinese Physical Society, September 13-15, 2013, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China. Future presentations to give prompt report of progress and to get feedbacks were tentatively accepted by us, as invited keynotes at two international conferences: IEEE-ISNE at Tao-Yuan, Taiwan on 20140507 and WCM2014 in Washington DC on 20140616. Additional presentations may be scheduled during these periods.
Linus Pauling, "The structure and entropy of ice and other crystals with some randomness of atomic arrangement, " J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 57(12), 2680-2684, December 1935. Received September 24, 1935. (Gates Chemical Laboratory, Caltech, Pasadena. ) doi: 10.1021/ja01315a102
J. D. Bernal and R. H. Fowler, "A theory of water and ionic solution, with particular reference to hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, " J. Chem. Phys. 1(8), 515-548, August, 1933. Received April 29, 1933. (University of Cambridge, England. )
W. F. Giauque and H. L. Johnston, "Symmetrical and Antisymmetrical Hydrogen and the Third Law of Thermodynamics. Thermal Equilibrium and the Triple Point Pressure, " J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 50, 3221-3228, 1928; J. O. Clayton and W. F. Giauque, "The Heat Capacity and Entropy of Carbon Monoxide. Heat of Vaporation. Vapor Pressures of Solid and Liquid. Free Energy To 5000oK. From Spectroscopic Data, " J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 54, 2610-2626, 1932; W. W. Blue and W. F. Giauque, "The Heat Capacity and Vapor Pressure of Solid and Liquid Nitrous Oxide. The Entropy from its Band Spectrum, " J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 57, 991-997, 1935. (All at University of California at Berkeley). All here were quoted by Pauling in [4].
John C. Slater, Introduction to Chemical Physics, McGraw-Hill Book company, 1939; Dover edition, 1970. 521pp. See also his later Quantum Theory of Matter books on atoms, molecules and solids, which we cited in our first and second report[1,2].
William Shockley, Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors, D. Van-Nostrand Co, Inc. Original Edition 1950, 9th printing 1966, reprinted 1976 by Krieger Publishing Co. , Inc. Florida, USA. 561pp.
John M. Ziman, Models of Disorder-The theoretical physics of homogenously disordered system, Cambridge University Press, 1979. 525pp.
Tak H. Ning and Chih-Tang Sah, "Multivalley effective-mass approximation for donor states in silicon. I. Shallow-level group-V impurities, " Physical Review B, v4, 3468-3481, 15 November 1971; and "Multivalley effective-mass approximation for donor states in silicon. Ⅱ. Deep-level group-VI double-donor impurities, " Physical Review B, v4, 3482-3488, 15 November 1971.
Sokrates T. Pantelides and Chih-Tang Sah, "Theory of localized states in semiconductors. I. New results using an old method, " Physical Review B. v10, 621-637, 15 July 1974; and "Theory of localized states in semiconductors. Ⅱ. The pseudo impurity theory application to shallow and deep donors in silicon, " Physical Review B, v10, 638-658, 15 July 1974.
Chih-Tang Sah and William Shockley, "Electron-hole recombination statistics in semiconductors through flaws with many charge conditions, " Physical Review, v109, 1103-1115, 15 February 1958. doi: 10.1103/PhysRev.109.1103
Chih-Tang Sah, "The equivalent circuit model in solid-state electronics, I. The single level defect centers, " Proc. IEEE, v55, 654-672, May 1967. "The equivalent circuit model in solid-state electronics, Ⅱ. The multiple level impurity centers, "Proc. IEEE, v55, 673-685, May 1967. "The equivalent circuit model in solid-state electronics, Ⅲ. Conduction and displacement currents, " SolidState Electronics, v13, 1547-1575, December 1970. "Equivalent circuit models in semiconductor transport for thermal, optical, Auger-impact and tunneling recombination-generation-trapping processes, " Physica Status Solidi, (a)v7, 541-559, 16 October 1971.
Jie Binbin and Sah Chihtang, "MOS Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics from Electron-Trapping at Dopant Donor Impurity, " Journal of Semiconductors, 32(4), 041001-1-9, April 2011. "MOS Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics: Ⅱ. Sensitivity of Electronic Trapping at Dopant Impurity from Parameter Variations, " Journal of Semiconductors, 32(12), 121001-1-11, December 2011. "MOS Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics: Ⅲ. Trapping Capacitance from 2-Charge-State Impurities, " Journal of Semiconductors, 32(12), 121002-1-16, December 2011. "MOS Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics: IV. Trapping Capacitance from 3-Charge-State Impurities, " Journal of Semiconductors, 33(1), 011001-1-19, January 2012. "MOS Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics: V. Methods to Enhance the Trapping Capacitance" Journal of Semiconductors, 33(2), 011001-1-19, February 2012.
William L. Marshall and E. U. Franck, "Ion Product of Water Substance, 0-1000C, 1-10000 bars-New International Formulation and Its Background, " J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 295-304, 1981.
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    Received: 17 March 2014 Revised: 31 March 2014 Online: Published: 01 April 2014


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      Binbin Jie, Chihtang Sah. Solid State Physics View of Liquid State Chemistry Ⅲ. Electrical Conductance of Pure and Impure Water[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2014, 35(4): 041001. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/35/4/041001 ****B B Jie, C T Sah. Solid State Physics View of Liquid State Chemistry Ⅲ. Electrical Conductance of Pure and Impure Water. J. Semicond., 2014, 35(4): 041001. doi:  10.1088/1674-4926/35/4/041001.
      Binbin Jie, Chihtang Sah. Solid State Physics View of Liquid State Chemistry Ⅲ. Electrical Conductance of Pure and Impure Water[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2014, 35(4): 041001. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/35/4/041001 ****
      B B Jie, C T Sah. Solid State Physics View of Liquid State Chemistry Ⅲ. Electrical Conductance of Pure and Impure Water. J. Semicond., 2014, 35(4): 041001. doi:  10.1088/1674-4926/35/4/041001.

      Solid State Physics View of Liquid State Chemistry Ⅲ. Electrical Conductance of Pure and Impure Water

      doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/35/4/041001

      Details of this report were first presented at the Sah Pen-Tung (薩本棟) 111 Anniversary Symposium of the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Chinese Physical Society held at Xiamen University, China on September 13, 2013. This is the third report. The first and second reports were published in the December 2013 and February 2014 issues

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