Anomalous luminescence efficiency enhancement of short-term aged GaN-based blue light-emitting diodes

Kewei Cao1, Binglei Fu2, Zhe Liu2, Lixia Zhao2, Jinmin Li2 and Junxi Wang2

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Abstract: The origin of anomalous luminescence efficiency enhancement of short-term aged GaN-based blue light-emitting diodes was studied. We found that the intensity of the electroluminescence and photoluminescence spectra were both increased in the very beginning period of aging. With the help of a rate-equation model, we concluded that this kind of luminescence efficiency enhancement is a joint effect of the defect reduction in active layers and the changes out of active layers, for example the Mg acceptor annealing.

Key words: light emitting diodesagingrate-equation modeldefect reduction

Fig. 1.  (Color online) The evolution of luminous efficiencies of LEDs with aging time at different measurement currents.

Fig. 2.  (Color online) The evolution of PL spectrum of LEDs with aging time.

Fig. 3.  (Color online) (a) The luminous efficiencies versus forward currents of LEDs with different aging times. (b) The normalized efficiency droop curves of LEDs under low injection currents with different aging times.

Fig. 4.  (Color online) (a) The variation of luminous efficiency for samples with different aging times compared with the unaged sample. (b) Curves in (a) assuming that all aged samples show the same luminescence efficiency at 30 mA.

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    Received: 03 May 2015 Revised: Online: Published: 01 January 2016


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      Kewei Cao, Binglei Fu, Zhe Liu, Lixia Zhao, Jinmin Li, Junxi Wang. Anomalous luminescence efficiency enhancement of short-term aged GaN-based blue light-emitting diodes[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2016, 37(1): 014008. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/1/014008 ****K W Cao, B L Fu, Z Liu, L X Zhao, J M Li, J X Wang. Anomalous luminescence efficiency enhancement of short-term aged GaN-based blue light-emitting diodes[J]. J. Semicond., 2016, 37(1): 014008. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/1/014008.
      Kewei Cao, Binglei Fu, Zhe Liu, Lixia Zhao, Jinmin Li, Junxi Wang. Anomalous luminescence efficiency enhancement of short-term aged GaN-based blue light-emitting diodes[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2016, 37(1): 014008. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/1/014008 ****
      K W Cao, B L Fu, Z Liu, L X Zhao, J M Li, J X Wang. Anomalous luminescence efficiency enhancement of short-term aged GaN-based blue light-emitting diodes[J]. J. Semicond., 2016, 37(1): 014008. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/1/014008.

      Anomalous luminescence efficiency enhancement of short-term aged GaN-based blue light-emitting diodes

      doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/1/014008
      • Received Date: 2015-05-03
      • Accepted Date: 2015-05-30
      • Published Date: 2016-01-25



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