Chin. J. Semicond. > 2007, Volume 28 > Issue S1 > 500-503

Analyses in Reliability of GaN-Based High Power Light Emitting Diodes

Chen Yu, Wang Liangchen, Yi Xiaoyan, Wang Libin, Liu Zhiqiang, Ma Long and Yan Lihong

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Abstract: High.power blue and white light.emitting diodes were fabricated with the blue LEDs chips as primary light source. Its photoelectric characteristic was measured during DC aging test up to 1080h at current 350mA under room temperatures 25℃and humidity 35%,and the degradation mechanism was investigated.As a result,the relative light output of blue and white LEDs degrades exponentially with the time,arriving at 1.35% and 2.56%. This paper presents the degradation mechanisms of GaN.based LED including the growth and formation of the GaN material defects,structure of GaN·based flip-chip structure LED.p-GaN electrode contact metal degradation,and so on,and the measures improving reliability of the device.

Key words: GaNhigh-power LEDlife testdegradation mechanismreliability

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    Received: 27 May 2016 Revised: Online: Published: 01 January 2007


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      Chen Yu, Wang Liangchen, Yi Xiaoyan, Wang Libin, Liu Zhiqiang, Ma Long, Yan Lihong. Analyses in Reliability of GaN-Based High Power Light Emitting Diodes[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2007, 28(S1): 500-503. ****Chen Y, Wang L C, Yi X Y, Wang L B, Liu Z Q, Ma L, Yan L H. Analyses in Reliability of GaN-Based High Power Light Emitting Diodes[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2007, 28(S1): 500.
      Chen Yu, Wang Liangchen, Yi Xiaoyan, Wang Libin, Liu Zhiqiang, Ma Long, Yan Lihong. Analyses in Reliability of GaN-Based High Power Light Emitting Diodes[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2007, 28(S1): 500-503. ****
      Chen Y, Wang L C, Yi X Y, Wang L B, Liu Z Q, Ma L, Yan L H. Analyses in Reliability of GaN-Based High Power Light Emitting Diodes[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2007, 28(S1): 500.

      Analyses in Reliability of GaN-Based High Power Light Emitting Diodes

      • Received Date: 2016-05-27
      • Published Date: 2016-04-28



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