Chin. J. Semicond. > 2007, Volume 28 > Issue 5 > 750-754


Total Dose Irradiation of FD SOI NMOSFET UnderDifferent Bias Configurations

Wang Ningjuan, Liu Zhongli, Li Ning, Yu Fang and Li Guohua

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Abstract: The total dose irradiation effects under different bias configurations for fully-depleted (FD) silicon on insulator (SOI) devices are investigated,especially the influence on device performance from radiation-induced trapped-charges.The simulation results show that distribution of the electrical field is strongly dependent on the bias configuration.Moreover,the generation of trapped-charges is related to the electrical field.The variation of the electrical field distribution leads to the variation of trapped-charge distribution,which in turn results in the variation of device performance.Among the three different bias configurations,the OFF state has the highest density of trapped-charges and corresponds to the largest drift of threshold-voltage and leakage current of the front-gate transistor.

Key words: SOIfully-depletedtotal dose irradiationdevice simulation

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    Received: 18 August 2015 Revised: 09 January 2007 Online: Published: 01 May 2007


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      Wang Ningjuan, Liu Zhongli, Li Ning, Yu Fang, Li Guohua. Total Dose Irradiation of FD SOI NMOSFET UnderDifferent Bias Configurations[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2007, 28(5): 750-754. ****Wang N J, Liu Z L, Li N, Yu F, Li G H. Total Dose Irradiation of FD SOI NMOSFET UnderDifferent Bias Configurations[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2007, 28(5): 750.
      Wang Ningjuan, Liu Zhongli, Li Ning, Yu Fang, Li Guohua. Total Dose Irradiation of FD SOI NMOSFET UnderDifferent Bias Configurations[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2007, 28(5): 750-754. ****
      Wang N J, Liu Z L, Li N, Yu F, Li G H. Total Dose Irradiation of FD SOI NMOSFET UnderDifferent Bias Configurations[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2007, 28(5): 750.

      Total Dose Irradiation of FD SOI NMOSFET UnderDifferent Bias Configurations

      • Received Date: 2015-08-18
      • Accepted Date: 2006-11-06
      • Revised Date: 2007-01-09
      • Published Date: 2007-04-29



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