J. Semicond. > 2012, Volume 33 > Issue 2 > 024002


Influence of back-gate stress on the back-gate threshold voltage of a LOCOS-isolated SOI MOSFET

Mei Bo, Bi Jinshun, Li Duoli, Liu Sinan and Han Zhengsheng

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DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/33/2/024002


Abstract: The performance of a LOCOS-isolated SOI MOSFET heavily depends on its back-gate characteristic, which can be affected by back-gate stress. A large voltage stress was applied to the back gate of SOI devices for at least 30 s at room temperature, which could effectively modify the back-gate threshold voltage of these devices. This modification is stable and time invariant. In order to improve the back-gate threshold voltage, positive substrate bias was applied to NMOS devices and negative substrate bias was applied to PMOS devices. These results suggest that there is a leakage path between source and drain along the silicon island edge, and the application of large back-gate bias with the source, drain and gate grounded can strongly affect this leakage path. So we draw the conclusion that the back-gate threshold voltage, which is directly related to the leakage current, can be influenced by back-gate stress.

Key words: back-gate

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    Received: 20 August 2015 Revised: 14 October 2011 Online: Published: 01 February 2012


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      Mei Bo, Bi Jinshun, Li Duoli, Liu Sinan, Han Zhengsheng. Influence of back-gate stress on the back-gate threshold voltage of a LOCOS-isolated SOI MOSFET[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2012, 33(2): 024002. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/33/2/024002 ****Mei B, Bi J S, Li D L, Liu S N, Han Z S. Influence of back-gate stress on the back-gate threshold voltage of a LOCOS-isolated SOI MOSFET[J]. J. Semicond., 2012, 33(2): 024002. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/33/2/024002.
      Mei Bo, Bi Jinshun, Li Duoli, Liu Sinan, Han Zhengsheng. Influence of back-gate stress on the back-gate threshold voltage of a LOCOS-isolated SOI MOSFET[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2012, 33(2): 024002. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/33/2/024002 ****
      Mei B, Bi J S, Li D L, Liu S N, Han Z S. Influence of back-gate stress on the back-gate threshold voltage of a LOCOS-isolated SOI MOSFET[J]. J. Semicond., 2012, 33(2): 024002. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/33/2/024002.

      Influence of back-gate stress on the back-gate threshold voltage of a LOCOS-isolated SOI MOSFET

      DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/33/2/024002

      The National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program, Key Program, Major Research Plan)No.60927006;Major projects of national science and technology

      • Received Date: 2015-08-20
      • Accepted Date: 2011-08-03
      • Revised Date: 2011-10-14
      • Published Date: 2012-01-20



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