Citation: |
Ye Xian, Huang Hui, Guo Jingwei, Ren Xiaomin, Huang Yongqing, Wang Qi. Size-independent growth of pure zinc blende GaAs nanowires[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2010, 31(7): 073001. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/31/7/073001
Ye X, Huang H, Guo J W, Ren X M, Huang Y Q, Wang Q. Size-independent growth of pure zinc blende GaAs nanowires[J]. J. Semicond., 2010, 31(7): 073001. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/31/7/073001.
Size-independent growth of pure zinc blende GaAs nanowires
doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/31/7/073001
Pure zinc blende GaAs nanowires were grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition on GaAs (111) B substrates via Au catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid mechanism. We found that the grown nanowires are rod-like in shape and have a pure zinc blende structure; moreover, the growth rate is independent on its diameters. It can be concluded that, direct impingement of vapor species onto the Au--Ga droplets contributes to the growth of the nanowire; in contrast, the adatom diffusion makes little contribution. The results indicate that the droplet acts as a catalyst rather than an adatom collector, larger diameter and high supersatuation in the droplet leads to the pure zinc blende structure of the nanowire. -
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