Citation: |
Gao Zhendong, Li Zhiqiang, Zhang Haiying. A 6–9 GHz ultra-wideband CMOS PA for China's ultra-wideband standard[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2010, 31(9): 095008. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/31/9/095008
Gao Z D, Li Z Q, Zhang H Y. A 6–9 GHz ultra-wideband CMOS PA for China\'s ultra-wideband standard[J]. J. Semicond., 2010, 31(9): 095008. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/31/9/095008.
A 6–9 GHz ultra-wideband CMOS PA for China's ultra-wideband standard
doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/31/9/095008
A 6–9 GHz ultra-wideband CMOS power amplifier (PA) for the high frequency band of China's UWB standard is proposed. Compared with the conventional band-pass filter wideband input matching methodology, the number of inductors is saved by the resistive feedback complementary amplifying topology presented. The output impendence matching network utilized is very simple but efficient at the cost of only one inductor. The measured S22 far exceeds that of similar work. The PA is designed and fabricated with TSMC 0.18 μm 1P6M RF CMOS technology. The implemented PA achieves a power gain of 10 dB with a ripple of 0.6 dB, and S11 < –10 dB over 6–9 GHz, S22 < –35 dB over 4–10 GHz. The measured output power at the 1 dB compression point is over 3.5 dBm from 6 to 9 GHz. The PA dissipates a total power of 21 mW from a 1.8 V power supply. The chip size is 1.1 × 0.8 mm2.-
- power amplifier
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