J. Semicond. > 2016, Volume 37 > Issue 11 > 113001


Structural, optical, morphological and electrical properties of undoped and Al-doped ZnO thin films prepared using sol-gel dip coating process

N. Boukhenoufa1, R. Mahamdi1 and D. Rechem2

+ Author Affiliations

 Corresponding author: N.Boukhenoufa, boukhenoufanour@gmail.com;faycaldzdz@hotmail.com

DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/11/113001


Abstract: In this work, sol-gel dip-coating technique was used to elaborate ZnO pure and ZnO/Al films. The impact of Al-doped concentration on the structural, optical, surface morphological and electrical properties of the elaborated samples was investigated. It was found that better electrical and optical performances have been obtained for an Al concentration equal to 5%, where the ZnO thin films exhibit a resistivity value equal to 1.64104 Ω·cm. Moreover, highest transparency has been recorded for the same Al concentration value. The obtained results from this investigation make the developed thin film structure a potential candidate for high optoelectronic performance applications.

Key words: sol-gel dip-coatingdoped ZnOoptoelectronictransmittanceRMSresistivity

Aydemir S, Karakaya S. Effects of withdrawal speed on the structural and optical properties of sol-gel derived ZnO thin films. J Magn Magn Mater, 2015, 373:33 doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2014.01.077
Sun Guipeng, Yan Jinliang, Niu Peijiang, et al. Electronic structure and optical property of p-type Zn-doped SnO2 with Sn vacancy. Journal of Semiconductors 2016, 37(2):023005 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/2/023005
Ozgur U, Alivov Y I, Liu C, et al. A comprehensive review of ZnO materials and devices. J Appl Phys, 2005, 98(4):041301 doi: 10.1063/1.1992666
Shewale P S, Yu Y S. Growth-temperature-dependent optical and acetone detection properties of ZnO thin films. Journal of Semiconductors, 2015, 36(7):073001 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/36/7/073001
Benhaliliba M, Tiburcio-Silver A, Avila-Garcia A, et al. The sprayed ZnO films:nanostructures and physical parameters. Journal of Semiconductors, 2015, 36(8):083001 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/36/8/083001
Suvaci E, Özer İ Ö. Processing of textured zinc oxide varistors via templated grain growth. J Eur Ceram Soc, 2005, 25:1663 doi: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2004.05.026
Liang S, Sheng H, Liu Y, et al. ZnO Schottky ultraviolet photodetectors. J Cryst Growth, 2001, 225:110 doi: 10.1016/S0022-0248(01)00830-2
Pan Z, Tian X, Hu J, et al. Investigation of optical and electronic properties in Al-Sn co-doped ZnO thin films. Mater Sci Semicond Process, 2013, 16:587 doi: 10.1016/j.mssp.2012.06.020
Qu X, Lu S, Jia D, et al. First-principles study of the electronic structure of Al and Sn co-doping ZnO system. Mater Sci Semicond Process, 2013, 16:1057 doi: 10.1016/j.mssp.2013.04.002
Tian X, Pan Z, Zhang H, et al. Growth and characterization of the Al-doped and Al-Sn co-doped ZnO nanostructures. Ceram Int, 2013, 39:6497 doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.01.081
Huang M C, Wang T H, Cheng S H, et al. The structure and photoelectrochemistry of Al, Ti co-doped zinc oxide thin films prepared by sol-gel dip-coating process. Nanosci Nanotechnol Lett, 2014, 6:210 doi: 10.1166/nnl.2014.1754
Oleynik N, Adam M, Krtschil A. MOVPE growth and characterization of ZnO properties for optoelectronic applications. J Cryst Growth, 2003, 248:14 doi: 10.1016/S0022-0248(02)01879-1
Caglar Y, Caglar M, Ilikan S. Microstructural, optical and electrical studies on sol-gel derived ZnO and ZnO:Al films. Curr Appl Phys, 2012, 12(8):963 http://cn.bing.com/academic/profile?id=2006989597&encoded=0&v=paper_preview&mkt=zh-cn
Xu Z Q, Deng H, Li Y, et al. Ultraviolet photoconductive detector based on Al doped ZnO films prepared by sol-gel method. Appl Surf Sci, 2006, 253:476 doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.12.113
Kuo S Y, Chen W C, Lai F I. et al. Effects of doping concentration and annealing temperature on properties of highly-oriented Aldoped ZnO films. J Cryst Growth, 2006, 287(1):78 doi: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2005.10.047
Benouis C E, Benhaliliba M, Juareze A S, et al. The effect of indium doping on structural, electrical conductivity, photoconductivity and density of states properties of ZnO films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 490:62 doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.10.098
Hsu L S, Yeh C S, Kuo C C, et al. Optical and transport properties of undoped and Al-, Ga-and In-doped ZnO thin films. J Optoelectron Adv Mater, 2005, 7(6):3039 http://joam.inoe.ro/arhiva/pdf7_6/Hsu.pdf
Caglar Y, Ilican S, Caglar M, et al. Effects of In, Al and Sn dopants on the structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films. Spectrochim Acta, 2007, 67:1113 doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2006.09.035
Lucio-Lopez M A, Luna-Arias M A, Maldonado A, et al. Doublelayer indium doped zinc oxide for silicon thin-film solar cell prepared by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis. Solar Energy Mater Solar Cells, 2006, 90:733 doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2005.04.010
Ratheesh Kumar P M, SudhaKartha C, Vijayakumar K P. Doping of spray-pyrolyzed ZnO thin films through direct diffusion of indium:structural optical and electrical studies. J Appl Phys, 2012, 98:023509 http://cn.bing.com/academic/profile?id=2086104209&encoded=0&v=paper_preview&mkt=zh-cn
Xue S W, Zu X T, Zhou W L, et al. Effects of post-thermal annealing on the optical constants of ZnO thin film. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008, 448:21 doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.10.076
Ghosh R, Paul G K, Basak D. Structural and optical characterization of high-quality ZnO. Materials Research Bulletin, 2005, 40:190
Arif A, Belahssen O, Gareh S, et al. Influence of precursor molarity on the optical properties of ZnO thin films. Journal of Semiconductors, 2015, 36(1):013001 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/36/1/013001
Mahmood K, Amin N, Ali A, et al. Enhancement of phosphorssolubility in ZnO by thermal annealing. Journal of Semiconductors, 2015, 36(12):123001 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/36/12/123001
Ghosh D S, Chena T L, Formica N, et al. High figure-of-merit Ag/Al:ZnO nano-thick transparent electrodes for indium-free flexible photovoltaics. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2012, 107:338 doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2012.07.009
Zhanchang P, Xinlong T, Guanghui H, et al. Investigation of optical and electronic properties in Al-Sn co-doped ZnO thin films. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2013, 587:592 http://cn.bing.com/academic/profile?id=2083150510&encoded=0&v=paper_preview&mkt=zh-cn
Fig. 1.  Diagram of the procedure for preparing Al-doped ZnO thin films.

Fig. 2.  Diffraction spectrum XRD of ZnO thin films undoped and doped with Al (0\% -3\% -5\% -10\%)

Fig. 3.  Transmittance spectra of ZnO thin films for different Al concentration.

Fig. 4.  Eg variation versus the Al-doping concentration.

Fig. 5.  (a) AFM microscopy apparatus used in the surface morphology characterization. (b) Microscopy AFM of (1) undoped ZnO,(2) ZnO with 3\% Al-doping concentration,(3) ZnO with 5\% Al,(4) ZnO with 10\% Al.

Fig. 6.  Morphological characteristics of undoped and Al-doped ZnO thin films.

Fig. 7.  Resistivity variation as function of the concentration of Al.

Table 1.   Structural analysis of elaborated ZnO thin films.

Table 2.   Topographical analysis of ZnO thin films.

Table 3.   Electrical characteristics given by Hall effect.

Table 4.   Comparison of the TCO figure of merit of the conventional undoped ZnO with the Al-doped ZnO thin film.

Aydemir S, Karakaya S. Effects of withdrawal speed on the structural and optical properties of sol-gel derived ZnO thin films. J Magn Magn Mater, 2015, 373:33 doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2014.01.077
Sun Guipeng, Yan Jinliang, Niu Peijiang, et al. Electronic structure and optical property of p-type Zn-doped SnO2 with Sn vacancy. Journal of Semiconductors 2016, 37(2):023005 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/2/023005
Ozgur U, Alivov Y I, Liu C, et al. A comprehensive review of ZnO materials and devices. J Appl Phys, 2005, 98(4):041301 doi: 10.1063/1.1992666
Shewale P S, Yu Y S. Growth-temperature-dependent optical and acetone detection properties of ZnO thin films. Journal of Semiconductors, 2015, 36(7):073001 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/36/7/073001
Benhaliliba M, Tiburcio-Silver A, Avila-Garcia A, et al. The sprayed ZnO films:nanostructures and physical parameters. Journal of Semiconductors, 2015, 36(8):083001 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/36/8/083001
Suvaci E, Özer İ Ö. Processing of textured zinc oxide varistors via templated grain growth. J Eur Ceram Soc, 2005, 25:1663 doi: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2004.05.026
Liang S, Sheng H, Liu Y, et al. ZnO Schottky ultraviolet photodetectors. J Cryst Growth, 2001, 225:110 doi: 10.1016/S0022-0248(01)00830-2
Pan Z, Tian X, Hu J, et al. Investigation of optical and electronic properties in Al-Sn co-doped ZnO thin films. Mater Sci Semicond Process, 2013, 16:587 doi: 10.1016/j.mssp.2012.06.020
Qu X, Lu S, Jia D, et al. First-principles study of the electronic structure of Al and Sn co-doping ZnO system. Mater Sci Semicond Process, 2013, 16:1057 doi: 10.1016/j.mssp.2013.04.002
Tian X, Pan Z, Zhang H, et al. Growth and characterization of the Al-doped and Al-Sn co-doped ZnO nanostructures. Ceram Int, 2013, 39:6497 doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.01.081
Huang M C, Wang T H, Cheng S H, et al. The structure and photoelectrochemistry of Al, Ti co-doped zinc oxide thin films prepared by sol-gel dip-coating process. Nanosci Nanotechnol Lett, 2014, 6:210 doi: 10.1166/nnl.2014.1754
Oleynik N, Adam M, Krtschil A. MOVPE growth and characterization of ZnO properties for optoelectronic applications. J Cryst Growth, 2003, 248:14 doi: 10.1016/S0022-0248(02)01879-1
Caglar Y, Caglar M, Ilikan S. Microstructural, optical and electrical studies on sol-gel derived ZnO and ZnO:Al films. Curr Appl Phys, 2012, 12(8):963 http://cn.bing.com/academic/profile?id=2006989597&encoded=0&v=paper_preview&mkt=zh-cn
Xu Z Q, Deng H, Li Y, et al. Ultraviolet photoconductive detector based on Al doped ZnO films prepared by sol-gel method. Appl Surf Sci, 2006, 253:476 doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.12.113
Kuo S Y, Chen W C, Lai F I. et al. Effects of doping concentration and annealing temperature on properties of highly-oriented Aldoped ZnO films. J Cryst Growth, 2006, 287(1):78 doi: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2005.10.047
Benouis C E, Benhaliliba M, Juareze A S, et al. The effect of indium doping on structural, electrical conductivity, photoconductivity and density of states properties of ZnO films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 490:62 doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.10.098
Hsu L S, Yeh C S, Kuo C C, et al. Optical and transport properties of undoped and Al-, Ga-and In-doped ZnO thin films. J Optoelectron Adv Mater, 2005, 7(6):3039 http://joam.inoe.ro/arhiva/pdf7_6/Hsu.pdf
Caglar Y, Ilican S, Caglar M, et al. Effects of In, Al and Sn dopants on the structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films. Spectrochim Acta, 2007, 67:1113 doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2006.09.035
Lucio-Lopez M A, Luna-Arias M A, Maldonado A, et al. Doublelayer indium doped zinc oxide for silicon thin-film solar cell prepared by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis. Solar Energy Mater Solar Cells, 2006, 90:733 doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2005.04.010
Ratheesh Kumar P M, SudhaKartha C, Vijayakumar K P. Doping of spray-pyrolyzed ZnO thin films through direct diffusion of indium:structural optical and electrical studies. J Appl Phys, 2012, 98:023509 http://cn.bing.com/academic/profile?id=2086104209&encoded=0&v=paper_preview&mkt=zh-cn
Xue S W, Zu X T, Zhou W L, et al. Effects of post-thermal annealing on the optical constants of ZnO thin film. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008, 448:21 doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.10.076
Ghosh R, Paul G K, Basak D. Structural and optical characterization of high-quality ZnO. Materials Research Bulletin, 2005, 40:190
Arif A, Belahssen O, Gareh S, et al. Influence of precursor molarity on the optical properties of ZnO thin films. Journal of Semiconductors, 2015, 36(1):013001 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/36/1/013001
Mahmood K, Amin N, Ali A, et al. Enhancement of phosphorssolubility in ZnO by thermal annealing. Journal of Semiconductors, 2015, 36(12):123001 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/36/12/123001
Ghosh D S, Chena T L, Formica N, et al. High figure-of-merit Ag/Al:ZnO nano-thick transparent electrodes for indium-free flexible photovoltaics. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2012, 107:338 doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2012.07.009
Zhanchang P, Xinlong T, Guanghui H, et al. Investigation of optical and electronic properties in Al-Sn co-doped ZnO thin films. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2013, 587:592 http://cn.bing.com/academic/profile?id=2083150510&encoded=0&v=paper_preview&mkt=zh-cn
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    Received: 15 April 2016 Revised: 22 May 2016 Online: Published: 01 November 2016


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      N. Boukhenoufa, R. Mahamdi, D. Rechem. Structural, optical, morphological and electrical properties of undoped and Al-doped ZnO thin films prepared using sol-gel dip coating process[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2016, 37(11): 113001. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/11/113001 ****N. Boukhenoufa, R. Mahamdi, D. Rechem. Structural, optical, morphological and electrical properties of undoped and Al-doped ZnO thin films prepared using sol-gel dip coating process[J]. J. Semicond., 2016, 37(11): 113001. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/11/113001.
      N. Boukhenoufa, R. Mahamdi, D. Rechem. Structural, optical, morphological and electrical properties of undoped and Al-doped ZnO thin films prepared using sol-gel dip coating process[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2016, 37(11): 113001. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/11/113001 ****
      N. Boukhenoufa, R. Mahamdi, D. Rechem. Structural, optical, morphological and electrical properties of undoped and Al-doped ZnO thin films prepared using sol-gel dip coating process[J]. J. Semicond., 2016, 37(11): 113001. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/11/113001.

      Structural, optical, morphological and electrical properties of undoped and Al-doped ZnO thin films prepared using sol-gel dip coating process

      DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/11/113001
      More Information
      • Corresponding author: N.Boukhenoufa, boukhenoufanour@gmail.com;faycaldzdz@hotmail.com
      • Received Date: 2016-04-15
      • Revised Date: 2016-05-22
      • Published Date: 2016-11-01



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