The influence of pulsed parameters on the damage of a Darlington transistor

Qiankun Wang, Changchun Chai, Yuqian Liu and Yintang Yang

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 Corresponding author: Qiankun Wang, Email:


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Abstract: Theoretical research on the heat accumulation effect of a Darlington transistor induced by high power microwave is conducted, and temperature variation as functions of pulse repetitive frequency (PRF) and duty cycle (DC) are studied. According to the distribution of the electronic field and the current density in the Darlington transistor, the research of the damage mechanism is carried out. The results show that for repetitive pulses with the same pulse widths and different PRFs, the value of temperature variation increases with PRF increases, and the peak temperature has almost no change when PRF is lower than 200 kHz; while for the repetitive pulses with the same PRF and different pulse widths, the larger the pulse width is, the greater temperature variation varies. The response of the peak temperature caused by a single pulse demonstrates that there is no temperature variation when the rising time is much shorter than the falling time. In addition, the relationship between the temperature variation and the time during the rising edge time as well as that between the temperature variation and the time during the falling edge time are obtained utilizing the curve fitting method. Finally, for a certain average power, with DC increases the value of temperature variation decreases.

Key words: Darlington transistorhigh power microwavepulse repetitive frequencyduty cycle

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Bayram Y, Chang P C, Volakis J L, et al. High power EMI on digital circuits within automotive structures. IEEE Int Symp Electromagn Compat, 2006, 2: 507
Hwang S M, Hong J I, Huh C S. Characterization of susceptibility of integrated circuits with induction caused by high power microwaves. Prog Electromagn Res, 2008, 81: 61 doi: 10.2528/PIER07121704
Mansson D, Thottappillil R, Nilsson T, et al. Susceptibility of civilian GPS receivers to electromagnetic radiation. IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat, 2008, 50(2): 434 doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2008.921015
Sabath F, Backstrom M, Nordstrom B, et al. Overview of four European high-power microwave narrow-band test facilities. IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat, 2004, 46(3): 329 doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2004.831822
Fan J P, Zhang L, Jia X Z. HPM damage mechanism on bipolar transistors. High Power Laser Part. Beams, 2010, 22: 1319 doi: 10.3788/HPLPB
Radasky W A, Baum C E, Wik M W. Introduction to the special issue on high-power electromagnetics (HPEM) and intentional electromagnetics interference (IEMI). IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat, 2004, 46(3): 314 doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2004.831899
Ma Z Y, Chai C C, Ren X R, et al. Effects of microwave pulse-damage on a bipolar transistor. Chin Phys B, 2012, 21: 058502 doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/21/5/058502
Ma Z Y, Chai C C, Ren X R, et al. Microwave damage susceptibility trend of a bipolar transistor as a function of frequency. Chin Phys B, 2012, 21: 098502 doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/21/9/098502
Klunder C, Haneborg J L. Effects of high-power and transient disturbances on wireless communication systems operating inside the 2.4 GHz ISM band. IEEE Int Symp Electromagn Compat Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2010, 359
Nitsch D, Camp M, Sabath F, et al. Susceptibility of some electronic equipment to HPEM threats. IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat, 2004, 46(3): 380 doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2004.831842
BackStrom M G, Lovstrand K G. Susceptibility of electronic system by high power microwave: summary of test experience. IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat, 2004, 46(3): 396 doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2004.831814
Ma Z Y, Chai C C, Ren X R, et al. The pulsed microwave damage trend of a bipolar transistor as a function of pulse parameters. Chin Phys B, 2013, 22: 028502 doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/22/2/028502
Integrated Systems Engineering Corp. ISE-TCAD Dessis Simulation Users Manual, Zurich, Switzerland, 2004, 142
Radasky W A. Protection of commercial installations from the high-frequency electromagnetic threats of HEPM and IEMI using IEC standards. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Beijing, China, 2010: 758
Anghel C, Gillon R, Ionescu A M. Self-heating characterization and extraction method for thermal resistance and capacitance. IEEE Electron Device Lett, 2004, 25(3): 141 doi: 10.1109/LED.2003.821669
Fig. 1.  Circuit schematic of PNP type Darlington transistor.

Fig. 2.  Two dimensional sectional view of structure of PNP type Darlington transistor.

Fig. 4.  (Color online) The input–output characteristic curve of Darlington transistor.

Fig. 5.  (Color online) The peak temperature within the device and the injected signal as a function of simulation time.

Fig. 6.  (Color online) The relationship between peak temperature and time with different PRF which are (a) 10 MHz, (b) 5 MHz, (c) 1 MHz, and (d) 100 kHz, respectively.

Fig. 7.  (Color online) Curves of temperature increment versus PRF for pulse widths of 20, 40, 60, and 80 ns, respectively.

Fig. 8.  (Color online) The response of peak temperature of the Darlington transistor versus time for single pulses with different pulse widths.

Fig. 9.  Temperature variation as a function of duty cycle for a certain average power.

Fig. 3.  Schematic diagram of the simulation circuit.

Fig. 10.  (color online) Electronic field across damage position at the moment of 4.75 ns for different duty cycles (along the line y = 0.3 μm).

Fig. 11.  (color online) (a) Instantaneous power density and (b) current density across damage position at the moment of 4.75 ns for different duty cycles (along the line y = 0.3 μm).

Krzikalla R, Luiken J, Ter Haneborg L, et al. Systematic description of the protection capability of protection elements. IEEE International Symposium on Electromag Compat, 2007, 179: 1
Bayram Y, Chang P C, Volakis J L, et al. High power EMI on digital circuits within automotive structures. IEEE Int Symp Electromagn Compat, 2006, 2: 507
Hwang S M, Hong J I, Huh C S. Characterization of susceptibility of integrated circuits with induction caused by high power microwaves. Prog Electromagn Res, 2008, 81: 61 doi: 10.2528/PIER07121704
Mansson D, Thottappillil R, Nilsson T, et al. Susceptibility of civilian GPS receivers to electromagnetic radiation. IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat, 2008, 50(2): 434 doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2008.921015
Sabath F, Backstrom M, Nordstrom B, et al. Overview of four European high-power microwave narrow-band test facilities. IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat, 2004, 46(3): 329 doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2004.831822
Fan J P, Zhang L, Jia X Z. HPM damage mechanism on bipolar transistors. High Power Laser Part. Beams, 2010, 22: 1319 doi: 10.3788/HPLPB
Radasky W A, Baum C E, Wik M W. Introduction to the special issue on high-power electromagnetics (HPEM) and intentional electromagnetics interference (IEMI). IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat, 2004, 46(3): 314 doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2004.831899
Ma Z Y, Chai C C, Ren X R, et al. Effects of microwave pulse-damage on a bipolar transistor. Chin Phys B, 2012, 21: 058502 doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/21/5/058502
Ma Z Y, Chai C C, Ren X R, et al. Microwave damage susceptibility trend of a bipolar transistor as a function of frequency. Chin Phys B, 2012, 21: 098502 doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/21/9/098502
Klunder C, Haneborg J L. Effects of high-power and transient disturbances on wireless communication systems operating inside the 2.4 GHz ISM band. IEEE Int Symp Electromagn Compat Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2010, 359
Nitsch D, Camp M, Sabath F, et al. Susceptibility of some electronic equipment to HPEM threats. IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat, 2004, 46(3): 380 doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2004.831842
BackStrom M G, Lovstrand K G. Susceptibility of electronic system by high power microwave: summary of test experience. IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat, 2004, 46(3): 396 doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2004.831814
Ma Z Y, Chai C C, Ren X R, et al. The pulsed microwave damage trend of a bipolar transistor as a function of pulse parameters. Chin Phys B, 2013, 22: 028502 doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/22/2/028502
Integrated Systems Engineering Corp. ISE-TCAD Dessis Simulation Users Manual, Zurich, Switzerland, 2004, 142
Radasky W A. Protection of commercial installations from the high-frequency electromagnetic threats of HEPM and IEMI using IEC standards. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Beijing, China, 2010: 758
Anghel C, Gillon R, Ionescu A M. Self-heating characterization and extraction method for thermal resistance and capacitance. IEEE Electron Device Lett, 2004, 25(3): 141 doi: 10.1109/LED.2003.821669
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    Received: 27 November 2017 Revised: 24 April 2018 Online: Uncorrected proof: 16 May 2018Accepted Manuscript: 05 July 2018Published: 01 September 2018


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      Qiankun Wang, Changchun Chai, Yuqian Liu, Yintang Yang. The influence of pulsed parameters on the damage of a Darlington transistor[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2018, 39(9): 094005. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/39/9/094005 ****Q K Wang, C C Chai, Y Q Liu, Y T Yang, The influence of pulsed parameters on the damage of a Darlington transistor[J]. J. Semicond., 2018, 39(9): 094005. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/39/9/094005.
      Qiankun Wang, Changchun Chai, Yuqian Liu, Yintang Yang. The influence of pulsed parameters on the damage of a Darlington transistor[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2018, 39(9): 094005. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/39/9/094005 ****
      Q K Wang, C C Chai, Y Q Liu, Y T Yang, The influence of pulsed parameters on the damage of a Darlington transistor[J]. J. Semicond., 2018, 39(9): 094005. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/39/9/094005.

      The influence of pulsed parameters on the damage of a Darlington transistor

      doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/39/9/094005

      Project supported by the Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Complex Electromagnetic Environment Science and Technology, China Academy of Engineering Physics (No. 2015-0214.XY.K).

      More Information
      • Corresponding author: Email:
      • Received Date: 2017-11-27
      • Revised Date: 2018-04-24
      • Published Date: 2018-09-01



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