J. Semicond. > 2022, Volume 43 > Issue 4 > 040202


Stabilizing α-phase FAPbI3 solar cells

Yaxin Wang1, Xin Zhang1, 2, Zejiao Shi1, Lixiu Zhang3, Anran Yu1, , Yiqiang Zhan1, and Liming Ding3,

+ Author Affiliations

 Corresponding author: Anran Yu, aryu@fudan.edu.cn; Yiqiang Zhan, yqzhan@fudan.edu.cn; Liming Ding, ding@nanoctr.cn

DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/43/4/040202


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Correa-Baena J P, Saliba M, Buonassisi T, et al. Promises and challenges of perovskite solar cells. Science, 2017, 358, 739 doi: 10.1126/science.aam6323
Jena A K, Kulkarni A, Miyasaka T. Halide perovskite photovoltaics: background, status, and future prospects. Chem Rev, 2019, 119, 3036 doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.8b00539
Jeong J, Kim M, Seo J, et al. Pseudo-halide anion engineering for α-FAPbI3 perovskite solar cells. Nature, 2021, 592, 381 doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03406-5
Bi D, Yi C, Luo J, et al. Polymer-templated nucleation and crystal growth of perovskite films for solar cells with efficiency greater than 21%. Nat Energy, 2016, 1, 16142 doi: 10.1038/nenergy.2016.142
Green M A, Ho-Baillie A, Snaith H J. The emergence of perovskite solar cells. Nat Photonics, 2014, 8, 506 doi: 10.1038/nphoton.2014.134
Liu M, Johnston M B, Snaith H J. Efficient planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells by vapour deposition. Nature, 2013, 501, 395 doi: 10.1038/nature12509
Wang Q, Shao Y, Dong Q, et al. Large fill-factor bilayer iodine perovskite solar cells fabricated by a low-temperature solution-process. Energy Environ Sci, 2014, 7, 2359 doi: 10.1039/C4EE00233D
Eperon G E, Stranks S D, Menelaou C, et al. Formamidinium lead trihalide: a broadly tunable perovskite for efficient planar heterojunction solar cells. Energy Environ Sci, 2014, 7, 982 doi: 10.1039/c3ee43822h
Li Y, Liu F Z, Waqas M, et al. Formamidinium-based lead halide perovskites: structure, properties, and fabrication methodologies. Small Methods, 2018, 2, 1700387 doi: 10.1002/smtd.201700387
Xu X, Zheng H, Liu G, et al. Elimination of yellow phase: an effective method to achieve high quality HC(NH2)2PbI3-based perovskite films. ChemSusChem, 2020, 13, 956 doi: 10.1002/cssc.201903216
Lu H, Liu Y, Ahlawat P, et al. Vapor-assisted deposition of highly efficient, stable black-phase FAPbI3 perovskite solar cells. Science, 2020, 370, eabb8985 doi: 10.1126/science.abb8985
Zuo C, Ding L. An 80.11% FF record achieved for perovskite solar cells by using the NH4Cl additive. Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 9935 doi: 10.1039/C4NR02425G
Wang Z, Zhou Y, Pang S, et al. Additive-modulated evolution of HC(NH2)2PbI3 black polymorph for mesoscopic perovskite solar cells. Chem Mater, 2015, 27, 7149 doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b03169
Mu C, Pan J, Feng S, et al. Quantitative doping of chlorine in formamidinium lead trihalide (FAPbI3− xCl x) for planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells. Adv Energy Mater, 2017, 7, 1601297 doi: 10.1002/aenm.201601297
Xie F, Chen C C, Wu Y, et al. Vertical recrystallization for highly efficient and stable formamidinium-based inverted-structure perovskite solar cells. Energy Environ Sci, 2017, 10, 1942 doi: 10.1039/C7EE01675A
Qing J, Liu X K, Li M, et al. Aligned and graded type-II ruddlesden-popper perovskite films for efficient solar cells. Adv Energy Mater, 2018, 8, 1800185 doi: 10.1002/aenm.201800185
Kim M, Kim G H, Lee T K, et al. Methylammonium chloride induces intermediate phase stabilization for efficient perovskite solar cells. Joule, 2019, 3, 2179 doi: 10.1016/j.joule.2019.06.014
Min H, Kim M, Lee S U, et al. Efficient, stable solar cells by using inherent bandgap of α-phase formamidinium lead iodide. Science, 2019, 366, 749 doi: 10.1126/science.aay7044
Walker B, Kim G H, Kim J Y. Pseudohalides in lead-based perovskite semiconductors. Adv Mater, 2019, 31, 1807029 doi: 10.1002/adma.201807029
Shahiduzzaman M, Muslih E Y, Hasan A K M, et al. The benefits of ionic liquids for the fabrication of efficient and stable perovskite photovoltaics. Chem Eng J, 2021, 411, 128461 doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.128461
Hui W, Chao L, Lu H, et al. Stabilizing black-phase formamidinium perovskite formation at room temperature and high humidity. Science, 2021, 371, 1359 doi: 10.1126/science.abf7652
Fig. 1.  (Color online) (a) UV–Vis absorption spectra for APbI3 perovskites, where A is either Cs, MA or FA[8]. Copyright 2014, Royal Society of Chemistry. (b) Illustration for the interaction between MACl and FAPbI3[17]. (c) Using MASCN or FASCN vapor treatment to convert yellow δ-FAPbI3 film to pure α-FAPbI3 film[11]. Copyright 2020, The American Association for the Advancement of Science. (d) Images for PbI2@MAFa and PbI2@DMF:DMSO solutions and schematic for interactions in solutions[21]. Copyright 2021, The American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Correa-Baena J P, Saliba M, Buonassisi T, et al. Promises and challenges of perovskite solar cells. Science, 2017, 358, 739 doi: 10.1126/science.aam6323
Jena A K, Kulkarni A, Miyasaka T. Halide perovskite photovoltaics: background, status, and future prospects. Chem Rev, 2019, 119, 3036 doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.8b00539
Jeong J, Kim M, Seo J, et al. Pseudo-halide anion engineering for α-FAPbI3 perovskite solar cells. Nature, 2021, 592, 381 doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03406-5
Bi D, Yi C, Luo J, et al. Polymer-templated nucleation and crystal growth of perovskite films for solar cells with efficiency greater than 21%. Nat Energy, 2016, 1, 16142 doi: 10.1038/nenergy.2016.142
Green M A, Ho-Baillie A, Snaith H J. The emergence of perovskite solar cells. Nat Photonics, 2014, 8, 506 doi: 10.1038/nphoton.2014.134
Liu M, Johnston M B, Snaith H J. Efficient planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells by vapour deposition. Nature, 2013, 501, 395 doi: 10.1038/nature12509
Wang Q, Shao Y, Dong Q, et al. Large fill-factor bilayer iodine perovskite solar cells fabricated by a low-temperature solution-process. Energy Environ Sci, 2014, 7, 2359 doi: 10.1039/C4EE00233D
Eperon G E, Stranks S D, Menelaou C, et al. Formamidinium lead trihalide: a broadly tunable perovskite for efficient planar heterojunction solar cells. Energy Environ Sci, 2014, 7, 982 doi: 10.1039/c3ee43822h
Li Y, Liu F Z, Waqas M, et al. Formamidinium-based lead halide perovskites: structure, properties, and fabrication methodologies. Small Methods, 2018, 2, 1700387 doi: 10.1002/smtd.201700387
Xu X, Zheng H, Liu G, et al. Elimination of yellow phase: an effective method to achieve high quality HC(NH2)2PbI3-based perovskite films. ChemSusChem, 2020, 13, 956 doi: 10.1002/cssc.201903216
Lu H, Liu Y, Ahlawat P, et al. Vapor-assisted deposition of highly efficient, stable black-phase FAPbI3 perovskite solar cells. Science, 2020, 370, eabb8985 doi: 10.1126/science.abb8985
Zuo C, Ding L. An 80.11% FF record achieved for perovskite solar cells by using the NH4Cl additive. Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 9935 doi: 10.1039/C4NR02425G
Wang Z, Zhou Y, Pang S, et al. Additive-modulated evolution of HC(NH2)2PbI3 black polymorph for mesoscopic perovskite solar cells. Chem Mater, 2015, 27, 7149 doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b03169
Mu C, Pan J, Feng S, et al. Quantitative doping of chlorine in formamidinium lead trihalide (FAPbI3− xCl x) for planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells. Adv Energy Mater, 2017, 7, 1601297 doi: 10.1002/aenm.201601297
Xie F, Chen C C, Wu Y, et al. Vertical recrystallization for highly efficient and stable formamidinium-based inverted-structure perovskite solar cells. Energy Environ Sci, 2017, 10, 1942 doi: 10.1039/C7EE01675A
Qing J, Liu X K, Li M, et al. Aligned and graded type-II ruddlesden-popper perovskite films for efficient solar cells. Adv Energy Mater, 2018, 8, 1800185 doi: 10.1002/aenm.201800185
Kim M, Kim G H, Lee T K, et al. Methylammonium chloride induces intermediate phase stabilization for efficient perovskite solar cells. Joule, 2019, 3, 2179 doi: 10.1016/j.joule.2019.06.014
Min H, Kim M, Lee S U, et al. Efficient, stable solar cells by using inherent bandgap of α-phase formamidinium lead iodide. Science, 2019, 366, 749 doi: 10.1126/science.aay7044
Walker B, Kim G H, Kim J Y. Pseudohalides in lead-based perovskite semiconductors. Adv Mater, 2019, 31, 1807029 doi: 10.1002/adma.201807029
Shahiduzzaman M, Muslih E Y, Hasan A K M, et al. The benefits of ionic liquids for the fabrication of efficient and stable perovskite photovoltaics. Chem Eng J, 2021, 411, 128461 doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.128461
Hui W, Chao L, Lu H, et al. Stabilizing black-phase formamidinium perovskite formation at room temperature and high humidity. Science, 2021, 371, 1359 doi: 10.1126/science.abf7652
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    Received: 11 February 2022 Revised: Online: Uncorrected proof: 16 February 2022Accepted Manuscript: 16 February 2022Published: 18 April 2022


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      Yaxin Wang, Xin Zhang, Zejiao Shi, Lixiu Zhang, Anran Yu, Yiqiang Zhan, Liming Ding. Stabilizing α-phase FAPbI3 solar cells[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2022, 43(4): 040202. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/43/4/040202 ****Y X Wang, X Zhang, Z J Shi, L X Zhang, A R Yu, Y Q Zhan, L M Ding. Stabilizing α-phase FAPbI3 solar cells[J]. J. Semicond, 2022, 43(4): 040202. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/43/4/040202
      Yaxin Wang, Xin Zhang, Zejiao Shi, Lixiu Zhang, Anran Yu, Yiqiang Zhan, Liming Ding. Stabilizing α-phase FAPbI3 solar cells[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2022, 43(4): 040202. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/43/4/040202 ****
      Y X Wang, X Zhang, Z J Shi, L X Zhang, A R Yu, Y Q Zhan, L M Ding. Stabilizing α-phase FAPbI3 solar cells[J]. J. Semicond, 2022, 43(4): 040202. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/43/4/040202

      Stabilizing α-phase FAPbI3 solar cells

      DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/43/4/040202
      More Information
      • Yaxin Wang:received her BE from Harbin Engineering University in 2019. She is now a PhD candidate in School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University under the supervision of Prof. Yiqiang Zhan. Her research focuses on perovskite solar cells
      • Anran Yu:is an Associate Professor in School of Information Science and Technology at Fudan University. His research focuses on organic/perovskite optoelectronics. He received BS and PhD from Department of Physics, Fudan University
      • Yiqiang Zhan:is the Director and full professor in the Center for Micro-Nano Systems, School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University. He obtained his PhD in physics from Fudan University in 2005, then moved to ISMN-CNR as a postdoc. From 2007, he continued his research in Linköping University, initially as a postdoc and then as an assistant professor. He joined Fudan University as an associate professor in 2011 and was promoted to be Professor in 2016. His research focuses on organic and perovskite electronics
      • Liming Ding:got his PhD from University of Science and Technology of China (was a joint student at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, CAS). He started his research on OSCs and PLEDs in Olle Inganäs Lab in 1998. Later on, he worked at National Center for Polymer Research, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Argonne National Lab (USA). He joined Konarka as a Senior Scientist in 2008. In 2010, he joined National Center for Nanoscience and Technology as a full professor. His research focuses on innovative materials and devices. He is RSC Fellow, the nominator for Xplorer Prize, and the Associate Editor for Journal of Semiconductors
      • Corresponding author: aryu@fudan.edu.cnyqzhan@fudan.edu.cnding@nanoctr.cn
      • Received Date: 2022-02-11
        Available Online: 2022-04-18



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