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Tingting Shi, Yuanbin Fan, Zhengyu Yan, Lai Zhou, Yang Ji, Zhiliang Yuan. GHz photon-number resolving detection with high detection efficiency and low noise by ultra-narrowband interference circuits[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2024, 45(3): 032702. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/45/3/032702
Tingting Shi, Yuanbin Fan, Zhengyu Yan, Lai Zhou, Yang Ji, Zhiliang Yuan, GHz photon-number resolving detection with high detection efficiency and low noise by ultra-narrowband interference circuits[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2024, 45(3), 032702 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/45/3/032702
GHz photon-number resolving detection with high detection efficiency and low noise by ultra-narrowband interference circuits
DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/45/3/032702
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We demonstrate the photon-number resolution (PNR) capability of a 1.25 GHz gated InGaAs single-photon avalanche photodiode (APD) that is equipped with a simple, low-distortion ultra-narrowband interference circuit for the rejection of its background capacitive response. Through discriminating the avalanche current amplitude, we are able to resolve up to four detected photons in a single detection gate with a detection efficiency as high as 45%. The PNR capability is limited by the avalanche current saturation, and can be increased to five photons at a lower detection efficiency of 34%. The PNR capability, combined with high efficiency and low noise, will find applications in quantum information processing technique based on photonic qubits. -
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