Citation: |
Fang Cebao, Wang Xiaoliang, Liu Chao, Hu Guoxin, Wang Junxi, Li Jianping, Wang Cuimei, Li Chengji, Zeng Yiping, Li Jinmin. High Resistivity GaN Film Grown by MOCVD[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2005, 26(S1): 91-93.
Fang C B, Wang X L, Liu C, Hu G X, Wang J X, Li J P, Wang C M, Li C J, Zeng Y P, Li J M. High Resistivity GaN Film Grown by MOCVD[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2005, 26(13): 91.
High Resistivity GaN Film Grown by MOCVD
High resistivity unintentionally doped GaN films are grown on (0001) sapphire by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition.The surface morphology of the layer is measured by both atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.The film shows a mirror-like surface morphology (RMS: 0.3nm).The FWHM value of X-ray rocking curve is 5.22′,indicating that the single-cryatalline GaN quality is well-crystallized.The resistivity at room temperature and 250℃ is measured to be 6.6e8Ω·cm and 10.6Ω·cm by variable-temperature Hall measurement,respectively.-
- GaN,
- resistivity
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