Chin. J. Semicond. > 2005, Volume 26 > Issue S1 > 20-23


Modulated Photoluminescence of Ge Quantum Dots Grown on SOI Substrate

Li Chuanbo, Mao Rongwei, Zuo Yuhua, Cheng Buwen, Yu Jinzhong and Wang Qiming

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Abstract: Modulated photoluminescence(PL) of the Ge/Si quantum dots grown on SOI substrates is investigated.The PL spectrum presents multi-peak with different adjacent interval.With the increase of the wavelength,the interval increase.Simulation result indicates that the cavity formed by the mirrors at the surface and the buried SiO2 interface has a modulation effect on the luminescence.And the independence of the peak position on the exciting power also suggests this cavity effect.

Key words: modulationGeroom temperature PLsilicon on insulator

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    Received: 19 August 2015 Revised: Online: Published: 01 December 2005


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      Li Chuanbo, Mao Rongwei, Zuo Yuhua, Cheng Buwen, Yu Jinzhong, Wang Qiming. Modulated Photoluminescence of Ge Quantum Dots Grown on SOI Substrate[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2005, 26(S1): 20-23. ****Li C B, Mao R W, Zuo Y H, Cheng B W, Yu J Z, Wang Q M. Modulated Photoluminescence of Ge Quantum Dots Grown on SOI Substrate[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2005, 26(13): 20.
      Li Chuanbo, Mao Rongwei, Zuo Yuhua, Cheng Buwen, Yu Jinzhong, Wang Qiming. Modulated Photoluminescence of Ge Quantum Dots Grown on SOI Substrate[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2005, 26(S1): 20-23. ****
      Li C B, Mao R W, Zuo Y H, Cheng B W, Yu J Z, Wang Q M. Modulated Photoluminescence of Ge Quantum Dots Grown on SOI Substrate[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2005, 26(13): 20.

      Modulated Photoluminescence of Ge Quantum Dots Grown on SOI Substrate

      • Received Date: 2015-08-19



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