Chin. J. Semicond. > 2006, Volume 27 > Issue 10 > 1818-1822


Optimization of Breakdown Voltage and On-Resistance Based on the Analysisof the Boundary Curvature of the Drain Region in RF RESURF LDMOS

Chi Yaqing, Hao Yue, Feng Hui and Fang Liang

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Abstract: This paper analyzes the relation between the boundary curvature radius of the drain region and the breakdown voltage of RF RESURF LDMOS.The bending of the curve in the RESURF technology can increase the breakdown voltage greatly.Analysis and simulation prove that the high breakdown voltage and much lower on-resistance in the same device profile can be maintained by an impurity dose or by increasing the thickness of the drift region and reducing boundary curvature radius of the drain region under the REUSRF principle.

Key words: LDMOSRESURFboundary curvature radius of drain regionbreakdown voltageon-resistance

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    Received: 18 August 2015 Revised: 29 May 2006 Online: Published: 01 October 2006


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      Chi Yaqing, Hao Yue, Feng Hui, Fang Liang. Optimization of Breakdown Voltage and On-Resistance Based on the Analysisof the Boundary Curvature of the Drain Region in RF RESURF LDMOS[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2006, 27(10): 1818-1822. ****Chi Y Q, Hao Y, Feng H, Fang L. Optimization of Breakdown Voltage and On-Resistance Based on the Analysisof the Boundary Curvature of the Drain Region in RF RESURF LDMOS[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2006, 27(10): 1818.
      Chi Yaqing, Hao Yue, Feng Hui, Fang Liang. Optimization of Breakdown Voltage and On-Resistance Based on the Analysisof the Boundary Curvature of the Drain Region in RF RESURF LDMOS[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2006, 27(10): 1818-1822. ****
      Chi Y Q, Hao Y, Feng H, Fang L. Optimization of Breakdown Voltage and On-Resistance Based on the Analysisof the Boundary Curvature of the Drain Region in RF RESURF LDMOS[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2006, 27(10): 1818.

      Optimization of Breakdown Voltage and On-Resistance Based on the Analysisof the Boundary Curvature of the Drain Region in RF RESURF LDMOS

      • Received Date: 2015-08-18
      • Accepted Date: 2006-04-07
      • Revised Date: 2006-05-29
      • Published Date: 2006-10-12



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