J. Semicond. > 2018, Volume 39 > Issue 10 > 105001


High-performance pulse-width modulation AC/DC controller using novel under voltage lockout circuit according to Energy Star VI standard

Min Qi1, 2, Quan Sun3, and Donghai Qiao2

+ Author Affiliations

 Corresponding author: Quan Sun, Email: qsun16@foxmail.com

DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/39/10/105001


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Abstract: This paper proposes a high-performance pulse-width modulation (PWM) AC/DC controller, which can drive a high-voltage (HV) 650-V power metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect Transistor (MOSFET) in typical applications of adapters in portable electronic devices. In order to reduce the standby power consumption and improve the response speed in the start-up state, an improved under voltage lockout (UVLO) circuit without a voltage reference source or comparator is adopted. The AC/DC controller is fabricated using a 40-V 0.8-μm one-poly two-metal (1P2M) CMOS process, and it only occupies 1410 × 730 μm2. A 12 V/2 A flyback topology for quick-charge application is illustrated as the test circuit, which is currently one of the most advanced power adapters in use. Test values show that the turn-on and the turn-off threshold voltages are 19.318 and 8.01 V, respectively. A high hysteresis voltage of 11.308 V causes the value of the power-charging capacitor to decrease to as low as 1 μF to reduce production cost. In addition, the start-up current of 2.3 μA is extremely small, and is attributed to a reduction in the system's standby power consumption. The final test results of the overall system are proven to meet the Energy Star VI standard. The controller has already been mass produced for industrial applications.

Key words: controllerUVLOEnergy Star VIquick-chargeZener diodemass production

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Kim S K, Kim J S, Lee Y I. A simple model predictive controller of a three-phase PWM AC/DC converter. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 2013: 1571
Rakesh G, Pindoriya N M. Simulation and experimental study of single phase PWM AC/DC converter for Microgrid application. IEEE 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), 2016: 1
Pan H, Wu X B, Chen H, et al. Power supply module design in the low power consumption application. IEEE Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits, 2007: 401
Zhang C, Yang Z J, Zhang Z P. A CMOS hysteresis undervoltage lockout with current source inverter structure. IEEE International Conference on ASIC, 2011: 918
Lee S, Cho K, Lee M, et al. A leakage reduced HVIC with coarse-fine UVLO. International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), 2012: 408
Jiang J G, Tan G J, Zhang Z Y, et al. A novel dimmable LED driver with soft-start and UVLO circuits. J Semicond, 2015, 36(2): 025004 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/36/2/025004
Liu S L, Wang Q Q, Wang C Y, et al. Optimization design of under voltage lockout circuit in power management chips based on standard BCD process. IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Microsystems (ICICM), 2017: 82
Glover M D, Shepherd P, Francis A M, et al. A UVLO circuit in SiC compatible with power MOSFET integration. IEEEmerg E J Sel Top Power Electron, 2014: 425
Song K, Oh W, Choi J. A UVLO with zero static power consumption power-on reset circuit in HVIC. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2017: 1085
Meena N K, Swarnkar A, Gupta N, et al. An UVLO featured average current mode controlled boost converter design for automotive industry applications. IEEE 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), 2016: 1
Mo Y, Song W, Lee J, et al. Design of a 5 V-output boost DC-DC converter with improved protection functions for battery-operated devices. International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE), 2017: 757
Li F H, Wang W, Hang Q P, et al. Design of a under voltage lock out circuit with bandgap structure. Proceedings of the 2009 12th International Symposium on Integrated Circuits, 2009: 224
Cho M H, Lee W H, Kim J S, et al. Development of undervoltage lockout (UVLO) circuit configurated Schmitt trigger. International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), 2015: 59
Zhao Y R, Lai X Q. Novel bandgap-based under-voltage-lockout methods with high reliability. J Semicond, 2013, 34(10): 105008 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/34/10/105008
Arulselvi S, Deepa K, Uma G. Design, analysis and control of a new multi-output flyback CF-ZVS-QRC. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2005: 413
Fig. 1.  (Color online) Architecture of the proposed AC/DC controller.

Fig. 2.  Simplified diagram of traditional UVLO.

Fig. 3.  (a) Circuit diagram of improved UVLO. (b) Schmitt trigger.

Fig. 4.  (Color online) Transient simulation of UVLO circuit.

Fig. 5.  (Color online) The temperature characteristics of vddon and vddoff.

Fig. 6.  (Color online) Layout of driver chip.

Fig. 7.  Test topology of AC/DC controller.

Table 1.   Test results of key indicators.

Parameter This work GR9230 ME8109 PT2263
Process 1P2M 1P3M
Die size (mm2) 1.03 1.5
Topology Flyback Flyback Flyback Flyback
Input voltage (V) 10–30 10–30 10–30 10–30
Output voltage (V) ≤ 18 ≤ 18 ≤ 18 ≤ 18
Switching frequency (kHz) 30~100 20~100 65 65
UVLO hysteresis range (V) 11.308 8 5 5.2
Startup current (µA) 2.3 2.6 5 10
Standby power (mW) < 90 < 100 < 100 > 100
Average efficiency ≥ 85% ≥ 85% < 85% < 85%
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Li Y, Zheng J. A low-cost adaptive multi-mode digital control solution maximizing AC/DC power supply efficiency. Twenty-Fifth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2010: 349
Kim S K, Kim J S, Lee Y I. A simple model predictive controller of a three-phase PWM AC/DC converter. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 2013: 1571
Rakesh G, Pindoriya N M. Simulation and experimental study of single phase PWM AC/DC converter for Microgrid application. IEEE 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), 2016: 1
Pan H, Wu X B, Chen H, et al. Power supply module design in the low power consumption application. IEEE Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits, 2007: 401
Zhang C, Yang Z J, Zhang Z P. A CMOS hysteresis undervoltage lockout with current source inverter structure. IEEE International Conference on ASIC, 2011: 918
Lee S, Cho K, Lee M, et al. A leakage reduced HVIC with coarse-fine UVLO. International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), 2012: 408
Jiang J G, Tan G J, Zhang Z Y, et al. A novel dimmable LED driver with soft-start and UVLO circuits. J Semicond, 2015, 36(2): 025004 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/36/2/025004
Liu S L, Wang Q Q, Wang C Y, et al. Optimization design of under voltage lockout circuit in power management chips based on standard BCD process. IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Microsystems (ICICM), 2017: 82
Glover M D, Shepherd P, Francis A M, et al. A UVLO circuit in SiC compatible with power MOSFET integration. IEEEmerg E J Sel Top Power Electron, 2014: 425
Song K, Oh W, Choi J. A UVLO with zero static power consumption power-on reset circuit in HVIC. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2017: 1085
Meena N K, Swarnkar A, Gupta N, et al. An UVLO featured average current mode controlled boost converter design for automotive industry applications. IEEE 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), 2016: 1
Mo Y, Song W, Lee J, et al. Design of a 5 V-output boost DC-DC converter with improved protection functions for battery-operated devices. International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE), 2017: 757
Li F H, Wang W, Hang Q P, et al. Design of a under voltage lock out circuit with bandgap structure. Proceedings of the 2009 12th International Symposium on Integrated Circuits, 2009: 224
Cho M H, Lee W H, Kim J S, et al. Development of undervoltage lockout (UVLO) circuit configurated Schmitt trigger. International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), 2015: 59
Zhao Y R, Lai X Q. Novel bandgap-based under-voltage-lockout methods with high reliability. J Semicond, 2013, 34(10): 105008 doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/34/10/105008
Arulselvi S, Deepa K, Uma G. Design, analysis and control of a new multi-output flyback CF-ZVS-QRC. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2005: 413
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    Received: 30 January 2018 Revised: 28 February 2018 Online: Accepted Manuscript: 25 April 2018Uncorrected proof: 03 May 2018Published: 09 October 2018


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      Min Qi, Quan Sun, Donghai Qiao. High-performance pulse-width modulation AC/DC controller using novel under voltage lockout circuit according to Energy Star VI standard[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2018, 39(10): 105001. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/39/10/105001 ****M Qi, Q Sun, D H Qiao, High-performance pulse-width modulation AC/DC controller using novel under voltage lockout circuit according to Energy Star VI standard[J]. J. Semicond., 2018, 39(10): 105001. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/39/10/105001.
      Min Qi, Quan Sun, Donghai Qiao. High-performance pulse-width modulation AC/DC controller using novel under voltage lockout circuit according to Energy Star VI standard[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2018, 39(10): 105001. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/39/10/105001 ****
      M Qi, Q Sun, D H Qiao, High-performance pulse-width modulation AC/DC controller using novel under voltage lockout circuit according to Energy Star VI standard[J]. J. Semicond., 2018, 39(10): 105001. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/39/10/105001.

      High-performance pulse-width modulation AC/DC controller using novel under voltage lockout circuit according to Energy Star VI standard

      DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/39/10/105001
      More Information
      • Corresponding author: Email: qsun16@foxmail.com
      • Received Date: 2018-01-30
      • Revised Date: 2018-02-28
      • Published Date: 2018-10-01



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