Chin. J. Semicond. > 2002, Volume 23 > Issue 9 > 925-929


Scaling of Hydrogenic Impurity Binding Energy and Virial Theorem in Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Wires

LIU Jian-jun, SU Hui and YANG Guo-chen



The scaling rule for hydrogenic impurity binding energy and the Virial theorem value (potential- to kinetic-energy) in quantum wells and wires of rectangular cross section with three different section ratios are studied through the variational method. The results reveal that (1) A parameter (impurity effective Bohr radius aim) that the impurity binding energy strongly depend on does exist; (2) The Virial theorem value is nonconstant but approaches 2 from above when the wire width is very small or large and the Virial theorem value versus aim does not increase monotonically due to the consideration of the correlation effect between the confined and non confined directions.

Key words: scaling ruleVirial theoremquantum wellquantum wireimpurity

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    Received: 18 December 2001 Revised: Online: Published: 01 September 2002


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      LIU Jian-jun, SU Hui, YANG Guo-chen. Scaling of Hydrogenic Impurity Binding Energy and Virial Theorem in Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Wires[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2002, 23(9): 925-929. ****LIU Jian-jun, SU Hui, YANG Guo-chen, Scaling of Hydrogenic Impurity Binding Energy and Virial Theorem in Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Wires[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2002, 23(9), 925-929
      LIU Jian-jun, SU Hui, YANG Guo-chen. Scaling of Hydrogenic Impurity Binding Energy and Virial Theorem in Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Wires[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2002, 23(9): 925-929. ****
      LIU Jian-jun, SU Hui, YANG Guo-chen, Scaling of Hydrogenic Impurity Binding Energy and Virial Theorem in Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Wires[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2002, 23(9), 925-929

      Scaling of Hydrogenic Impurity Binding Energy and Virial Theorem in Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Wires

      • Received Date: 2001-12-18
        Available Online: 2023-03-15
      • Published Date: 2002-09-01



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