Chin. J. Semicond. > 2007, Volume 28 > Issue 5 > 681-685


Study on Si-SiGe Three-Dimensional CMOS Integrated Circuits

Hu Huiyong, Zhang Heming, Jia Xinzhang, Dai Xianying and Xuan Rongxi

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Abstract: Based on the physical characteristics of SiGe material,a new three-dimensional (3D) CMOS IC structure is proposed,in which the first device layer is made of Si material for nMOS devices and the second device layer is made of SixGe1-x material for pMOS.The intrinsic performance of ICs with the new structure is then limited by Si nMOS.The electrical characteristics of a Si-SiGe 3D CMOS device and inverter are all simulated and analyzed by MEDICI.The simulation results indicate that the Si-SiGe 3D CMOS ICs are faster than the Si-Si 3D CMOS ICs.The delay time of the 3D Si-SiGe CMOS inverter is 2~3ps,which is shorter than that of the 3D Si-Si CMOS inverter.

Key words: Si-SiGethree-dimensionalCMOSintegrated circuits

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    Received: 18 August 2015 Revised: 07 January 2007 Online: Published: 01 May 2007


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      Hu Huiyong, Zhang Heming, Jia Xinzhang, Dai Xianying, Xuan Rongxi. Study on Si-SiGe Three-Dimensional CMOS Integrated Circuits[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2007, 28(5): 681-685. ****Hu H Y, Zhang H M, Jia X Z, Dai X Y, Xuan R X. Study on Si-SiGe Three-Dimensional CMOS Integrated Circuits[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2007, 28(5): 681.
      Hu Huiyong, Zhang Heming, Jia Xinzhang, Dai Xianying, Xuan Rongxi. Study on Si-SiGe Three-Dimensional CMOS Integrated Circuits[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2007, 28(5): 681-685. ****
      Hu H Y, Zhang H M, Jia X Z, Dai X Y, Xuan R X. Study on Si-SiGe Three-Dimensional CMOS Integrated Circuits[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2007, 28(5): 681.

      Study on Si-SiGe Three-Dimensional CMOS Integrated Circuits

      • Received Date: 2015-08-18
      • Accepted Date: 2006-11-16
      • Revised Date: 2007-01-07
      • Published Date: 2007-04-29



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