Chin. J. Semicond. > 2006, Volume 27 > Issue S1 > 124-126


Deposition of SiCN Nano-Films by Sputtering Method on Quartz Substrate

Lin Hongfeng, Xie Erqing, Zhang Jun, Yan Xiaoqin and 陈支勇

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Abstract: Nano-structure silicon carbon nitride (SiCN) films were deposited by radio-frequency (RF) sputtering method.Nano-grains with ~50nm diameter were formed and distributed tightly leading to a compact surface of SiCN films.Conductivity of the nano-SiCN films were in agreement with exponential law of typical semiconductors.Optical band gap (Eopt) of the SiCN films can be adjusted through altering the N2 flux during deposition.The alterable Eopt of the SiCN films would make them to be a potential photoelectric material in the future.

Key words: sputteringnano-SiCNfilms

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    Received: 20 August 2015 Revised: Online: Published: 01 December 2006


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      Lin Hongfeng, Xie Erqing, Zhang Jun, Yan Xiaoqin, 陈支勇. Deposition of SiCN Nano-Films by Sputtering Method on Quartz Substrate[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2006, 27(S1): 124-126. ****Lin H F, Xie E Q, Zhang J, Yan X Q, Deposition of SiCN Nano-Films by Sputtering Method on Quartz Substrate[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2006, 27(13): 124.
      Lin Hongfeng, Xie Erqing, Zhang Jun, Yan Xiaoqin, 陈支勇. Deposition of SiCN Nano-Films by Sputtering Method on Quartz Substrate[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2006, 27(S1): 124-126. ****
      Lin H F, Xie E Q, Zhang J, Yan X Q, Deposition of SiCN Nano-Films by Sputtering Method on Quartz Substrate[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2006, 27(13): 124.

      Deposition of SiCN Nano-Films by Sputtering Method on Quartz Substrate

      • Received Date: 2015-08-20



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