Chin. J. Semicond. > 2007, Volume 28 > Issue 5 > 759-762


X Band MMIC Power Amplifier Based on InGaP/GaAs HBT

Chen Yanhu, Shen Huajun, Wang Xiantai, Ge Ji, Li Bin, Liu Xinyu and Wu Dexin

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Abstract: An X band InGaP/GaAs HBT single stage MMIC power amplifier is reported.The self-aligning InGaP/GaAs HBT process was used to fabricate the circuit.The PA circuit is biased at the class AB state.The small signal S parameter test shows that at 8~8.5GHz,the linear power gain is 8~9dB,VSWRin<2,and VSWRout<3.After optimizing the collector bias,the linear gain is improved to 9~10dB.Under an 8.5GHz CW signal power test with optimized loading conditions,the P1dB of the circuit is 29.4dBm,relevant power gain is 7.2dB,and relevant PAE is 42%.The Psat of the circuit is 30dBm.

Key words: HBTMMICX band

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    Received: 18 August 2015 Revised: 03 December 2006 Online: Published: 01 May 2007


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      Chen Yanhu, Shen Huajun, Wang Xiantai, Ge Ji, Li Bin, Liu Xinyu, Wu Dexin. X Band MMIC Power Amplifier Based on InGaP/GaAs HBT[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2007, 28(5): 759-762. ****Chen Y H, Shen H J, Wang X T, Ge J, Li B, Liu X Y, Wu D X. X Band MMIC Power Amplifier Based on InGaP/GaAs HBT[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2007, 28(5): 759.
      Chen Yanhu, Shen Huajun, Wang Xiantai, Ge Ji, Li Bin, Liu Xinyu, Wu Dexin. X Band MMIC Power Amplifier Based on InGaP/GaAs HBT[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2007, 28(5): 759-762. ****
      Chen Y H, Shen H J, Wang X T, Ge J, Li B, Liu X Y, Wu D X. X Band MMIC Power Amplifier Based on InGaP/GaAs HBT[J]. Chin. J. Semicond., 2007, 28(5): 759.

      X Band MMIC Power Amplifier Based on InGaP/GaAs HBT

      • Received Date: 2015-08-18
      • Accepted Date: 2006-11-06
      • Revised Date: 2006-12-03
      • Published Date: 2007-04-29



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