J. Semicond. > 2020, Volume 41 > Issue 6 > 062303


1064 nm InGaAsP multi-junction laser power converters

Jiajing Yin1, 2, Yurun Sun1, Shuzhen Yu1, Yongming Zhao1, Rongwei Li1 and Jianrong Dong1,

+ Author Affiliations

 Corresponding author: Jianrong Dong, Email: jrdong2007@sinano.ac.cn

DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/41/6/062303


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Abstract: Laser photovoltaic devices converting 1064 nm light energy into electric energy present a promising prospect in wireless energy transmission due to the commercial availability of high power 1064 nm lasers with very small divergence. Besides their high conversion efficiency, a high output voltage is also expected in a laser energy transmission system. Meanwhile, 1064 nm InGaAsP multi-junction laser power converters have been developed using p+-InGaAs/n+-InGaAs tunnel junctions to connect sub-cells in series to obtain a high output voltage. The triple-junction laser power converter structures are grown on p-type InP substrates by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), and InGaAsP laser power converters are fabricated by conventional photovoltaic device processing. The room-temperature IV measurements show that the 1 × 1 cm2 triple-junction InGaAsP laser power converters demonstrate a conversion efficiency of 32.6% at a power density of 1.1 W/cm2, with an open-circuit voltage of 2.16 V and a fill factor of 0.74. In this paper, the characteristics of the laser power converters are analyzed and ways to improve the conversion efficiency are discussed.

Key words: InGaAsPmulti-junction laser power converterconversion efficiency

Fave A, Kaminski A, Gavand M, et al. GaAs converter for high power laser diode. 25th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 1996, 101
Oliva E, Dimroth F, Bett A W. GaAs converters for high power densities of laserillumination. Prog Photovolt: Res Appl, 2008, 16(4), 289 doi: 10.1002/pip.811
Andreev V, Khvostikov V, Kalinovsky V, et al. High current density GaAs and GaSb photovoltaic cells for laser power beaming. IEEE World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 2003, 761
Fafard S, Proulx F, York M C A, et al. High-photovoltage GaAs vertical epitaxial monolithic heterostructures with 20 thin p/n junctions and a conversion efficiency of 60%. Appl Phys Lett, 2016, 109, 131107 doi: 10.1063/1.4964120
Khvostikov V, Sorokina S, Potapovich N, et al. AlGaAs converters and arrays for laser power beaming. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015, 1679(1), 130002
Valdivia C E, Wilkins M M, Bouzazi B, et al. Five-volt vertically-stacked, single-cell GaAs photonic power converter. Physics, Simulation, Photonic Eng Photovolt Devices IV, 2015, 9358, 93580E
Safard S, York M C A, Proulx F, et al. Ultrahigh efficiencies in vertical epitaxial heterostructure architectures. Appl Phys Lett, 2016, 108(7), 071101 doi: 10.1063/1.4941240
Green M A, Zhao J, Wang A, et al. 45 % efficient silicon photovoltaic cell under monochromatic light. IEEE Electron Device Lett, 1992, 13(6), 317 doi: 10.1109/55.145070
Khvostikov V P, Sorokina S V, Potapovich N S, et al. GaInAsP/InP-based laser power converters (λ = 1064 nm). Semiconductors, 2018, 52(13), 1748 doi: 10.1134/S1063782618130079
Singh N, Ho C K F, Leong Y N, et al. InAlGaAs/InP-based laser photovoltaic converter at ~1070 nm. IEEE Electron Device Lett, 2016, 37(9), 1154 doi: 10.1109/LED.2016.2591015
Mintairov S A, Emelyanov V M, Rybalchenko D V, et al. Heterostructures of metamorphic GaInAs photovoltaic converters fabricated by MOCVD on GaAs substrates. Semiconductors, 2016, 50(4), 517 doi: 10.1134/S1063782616040163
Rybalchenko D V, Mintairov S A, Salii R A, et al. Metamorphic InGaAs photo-converters on GaAs substrates. J Phys: Conf Ser, 2016, 690(1), 012032 doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/690/1/012032
Rybalchenko D V, Mintairov S A, Salii R A, et al. Optimization of structural and growth parameters of metamorphic InGaAs photovoltaic converters grown by MOCVD. Semiconductors, 2017, 51(1), 93 doi: 10.1134/S1063782617010201
Kaluzhnyy N A, Mintaiov S A, Nadtochiy A M, et al. InGaAs metamorphic laser (1064 nm) power converters with over 40% efficiency. Electron Lett, 2017, 53(3), 173 doi: 10.1049/el.2016.4308
Kim Y, Shin H B, Lee W H, et al. 1080 nm InGaAs laser power converters grown by MOCVD using InAlGaAs metamorphic buffer layers. Sol Energy Mater Sol Cells, 2019, 200, 109984 doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2019.109984
Peña R, Algora C. One-watt fiber-based power-by-light system for satellite applications. Prog Photovolt: Res Appl, 2012, 20(1), 117 doi: 10.1002/pip.1130
Pena R, Algora C. The influence of monolithic series connection on the efficiency of GaAs photovoltaic converters for monochromatic illumination. IEEE Trans Electron Devices, 2001, 48(2), 196 doi: 10.1109/16.902716
Guan C G, Liu W, Gao Q. Influence of the mesa electrode position on monolithic on-chip series-interconnect GaAs laser power converter performance. Mater Sci Semicond Process, 2018, 75, 136 doi: 10.1016/j.mssp.2017.11.027
Schubert J, Oliva E, Dimroth F. High-voltage GaAs photovoltaic laser power converters. IEEE Trans Electron Devices, 2009, 56(2), 170 doi: 10.1109/TED.2008.2010603
Masson D, Proulx F, Fafard S. Pushing the limits of concentrated photovoltaic solar cell tunnel junctions in novel high-efficiency GaAs phototransducers based on a vertical epitaxial heterostructure architecture. Prog Photovolts: Res Appl, 2015, 239(12), 1687 doi: 10.1002/pip.2709
York M C A, Proulx F, Masson D P, et al. Thin n/p GaAs junctions for novel high-efficiency phototransducers based on a vertical epitaxial heterostructure architecture. MRS Adv, 2016, 1(14), 881 doi: 10.1557/adv.2016.9
Fafard S, Proulx F, York M C A, et al. Advances with vertical epitaxial heterostructure architecture (VEHSA) phototransducers for optical to electrical power conversion efficiencies exceeding 50 percent. Physics Simulation Photonic Eng Photovolt Devices V, 2016, 9743, 974304 doi: 10.1117/12.2218486
Proulx F, York M C A, Provost P O, et al. Measurement of strong photon recycling in ultra-thin GaAs n/p junctions monolithically integrated in high-photovoltage vertical epitaxial heterostructure architectures with conversion efficiencies exceeding 60%. Phys Status Solidi-Rapid Res Lett, 2017, 11(2), 1600385 doi: 10.1002/pssr.201600385
Burkhard H, Dinges H W, Kuphal E. Optical properties of In1– xGaxP1– yAsy, InP, GaAs, and GaP determined by ellipsometry. J Appl Phys, 1982, 53(1), 655 doi: 10.1063/1.329973
Fig. 1.  Schematic layer structure of the designed triple-junction InGaAsP LPC.

Fig. 2.  Calculated I–V and P–V characteristics of the designed triple-junction InGaAsP LPC.

Fig. 3.  Surface reflectance spectrum of the triple-junction InGaAsP LPCs with an antireflection coating.

Fig. 4.  I–V curves of a triple-junction InGaAsP LPC at different input 1064 nm laser power densities.

Fig. 5.  External quantum efficiency of the triple-junction InGaAsP LPC.

Table 1.   Parameters for efficiency estimation of triple-junction InGaAsP laser power converter.

Internal quantum efficiency95%
Surface reflectivity3%
Grid shadowing3%
Percentage of incident light be absorbed98.5%
Optical power intensity (W/cm2)1
Ideal factor for InGaAsP pn junction1
Band gap of InGaAsP (eV)1.08
Shunt resistance (Ω)600
Series resistance (Ω)0.2
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Table 2.   Summary of the parameters of triple-junction InGaAsP LPC at laser power densities of 610, 989, 1100, and 1233 mW/cm2.

Power density (mW/cm2)Voc (V)Jsc (mA/cm2)Fill factorEfficiency (%)
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Fave A, Kaminski A, Gavand M, et al. GaAs converter for high power laser diode. 25th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 1996, 101
Oliva E, Dimroth F, Bett A W. GaAs converters for high power densities of laserillumination. Prog Photovolt: Res Appl, 2008, 16(4), 289 doi: 10.1002/pip.811
Andreev V, Khvostikov V, Kalinovsky V, et al. High current density GaAs and GaSb photovoltaic cells for laser power beaming. IEEE World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 2003, 761
Fafard S, Proulx F, York M C A, et al. High-photovoltage GaAs vertical epitaxial monolithic heterostructures with 20 thin p/n junctions and a conversion efficiency of 60%. Appl Phys Lett, 2016, 109, 131107 doi: 10.1063/1.4964120
Khvostikov V, Sorokina S, Potapovich N, et al. AlGaAs converters and arrays for laser power beaming. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015, 1679(1), 130002
Valdivia C E, Wilkins M M, Bouzazi B, et al. Five-volt vertically-stacked, single-cell GaAs photonic power converter. Physics, Simulation, Photonic Eng Photovolt Devices IV, 2015, 9358, 93580E
Safard S, York M C A, Proulx F, et al. Ultrahigh efficiencies in vertical epitaxial heterostructure architectures. Appl Phys Lett, 2016, 108(7), 071101 doi: 10.1063/1.4941240
Green M A, Zhao J, Wang A, et al. 45 % efficient silicon photovoltaic cell under monochromatic light. IEEE Electron Device Lett, 1992, 13(6), 317 doi: 10.1109/55.145070
Khvostikov V P, Sorokina S V, Potapovich N S, et al. GaInAsP/InP-based laser power converters (λ = 1064 nm). Semiconductors, 2018, 52(13), 1748 doi: 10.1134/S1063782618130079
Singh N, Ho C K F, Leong Y N, et al. InAlGaAs/InP-based laser photovoltaic converter at ~1070 nm. IEEE Electron Device Lett, 2016, 37(9), 1154 doi: 10.1109/LED.2016.2591015
Mintairov S A, Emelyanov V M, Rybalchenko D V, et al. Heterostructures of metamorphic GaInAs photovoltaic converters fabricated by MOCVD on GaAs substrates. Semiconductors, 2016, 50(4), 517 doi: 10.1134/S1063782616040163
Rybalchenko D V, Mintairov S A, Salii R A, et al. Metamorphic InGaAs photo-converters on GaAs substrates. J Phys: Conf Ser, 2016, 690(1), 012032 doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/690/1/012032
Rybalchenko D V, Mintairov S A, Salii R A, et al. Optimization of structural and growth parameters of metamorphic InGaAs photovoltaic converters grown by MOCVD. Semiconductors, 2017, 51(1), 93 doi: 10.1134/S1063782617010201
Kaluzhnyy N A, Mintaiov S A, Nadtochiy A M, et al. InGaAs metamorphic laser (1064 nm) power converters with over 40% efficiency. Electron Lett, 2017, 53(3), 173 doi: 10.1049/el.2016.4308
Kim Y, Shin H B, Lee W H, et al. 1080 nm InGaAs laser power converters grown by MOCVD using InAlGaAs metamorphic buffer layers. Sol Energy Mater Sol Cells, 2019, 200, 109984 doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2019.109984
Peña R, Algora C. One-watt fiber-based power-by-light system for satellite applications. Prog Photovolt: Res Appl, 2012, 20(1), 117 doi: 10.1002/pip.1130
Pena R, Algora C. The influence of monolithic series connection on the efficiency of GaAs photovoltaic converters for monochromatic illumination. IEEE Trans Electron Devices, 2001, 48(2), 196 doi: 10.1109/16.902716
Guan C G, Liu W, Gao Q. Influence of the mesa electrode position on monolithic on-chip series-interconnect GaAs laser power converter performance. Mater Sci Semicond Process, 2018, 75, 136 doi: 10.1016/j.mssp.2017.11.027
Schubert J, Oliva E, Dimroth F. High-voltage GaAs photovoltaic laser power converters. IEEE Trans Electron Devices, 2009, 56(2), 170 doi: 10.1109/TED.2008.2010603
Masson D, Proulx F, Fafard S. Pushing the limits of concentrated photovoltaic solar cell tunnel junctions in novel high-efficiency GaAs phototransducers based on a vertical epitaxial heterostructure architecture. Prog Photovolts: Res Appl, 2015, 239(12), 1687 doi: 10.1002/pip.2709
York M C A, Proulx F, Masson D P, et al. Thin n/p GaAs junctions for novel high-efficiency phototransducers based on a vertical epitaxial heterostructure architecture. MRS Adv, 2016, 1(14), 881 doi: 10.1557/adv.2016.9
Fafard S, Proulx F, York M C A, et al. Advances with vertical epitaxial heterostructure architecture (VEHSA) phototransducers for optical to electrical power conversion efficiencies exceeding 50 percent. Physics Simulation Photonic Eng Photovolt Devices V, 2016, 9743, 974304 doi: 10.1117/12.2218486
Proulx F, York M C A, Provost P O, et al. Measurement of strong photon recycling in ultra-thin GaAs n/p junctions monolithically integrated in high-photovoltage vertical epitaxial heterostructure architectures with conversion efficiencies exceeding 60%. Phys Status Solidi-Rapid Res Lett, 2017, 11(2), 1600385 doi: 10.1002/pssr.201600385
Burkhard H, Dinges H W, Kuphal E. Optical properties of In1– xGaxP1– yAsy, InP, GaAs, and GaP determined by ellipsometry. J Appl Phys, 1982, 53(1), 655 doi: 10.1063/1.329973
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    Received: 17 October 2019 Revised: 26 November 2019 Online: Accepted Manuscript: 13 February 2020Uncorrected proof: 18 February 2020Published: 01 June 2020


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      Jiajing Yin, Yurun Sun, Shuzhen Yu, Yongming Zhao, Rongwei Li, Jianrong Dong. 1064 nm InGaAsP multi-junction laser power converters[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2020, 41(6): 062303. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/41/6/062303 ****J J Yin, Y R Sun, S Z Yu, Y M Zhao, R W Li, J R Dong, 1064 nm InGaAsP multi-junction laser power converters[J]. J. Semicond., 2020, 41(6): 062303. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/41/6/062303.
      Jiajing Yin, Yurun Sun, Shuzhen Yu, Yongming Zhao, Rongwei Li, Jianrong Dong. 1064 nm InGaAsP multi-junction laser power converters[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2020, 41(6): 062303. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/41/6/062303 ****
      J J Yin, Y R Sun, S Z Yu, Y M Zhao, R W Li, J R Dong, 1064 nm InGaAsP multi-junction laser power converters[J]. J. Semicond., 2020, 41(6): 062303. doi: 10.1088/1674-4926/41/6/062303.

      1064 nm InGaAsP multi-junction laser power converters

      DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/41/6/062303
      More Information
      • Corresponding author: Email: jrdong2007@sinano.ac.cn
      • Received Date: 2019-10-17
      • Revised Date: 2019-11-26
      • Published Date: 2020-06-01



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